20 Random Facts About My Hair & Life (Birthday Edition)
Last updated on October 27th, 2024 at 12:56 pm
Today’s my birthday so I thought how fun it would be to share some things you likely don’t know about me (including my hair).
10 Hair Facts
1- I have a mix of low and medium porosity hair with my crown being the largest low porosity section.
2- I have 3 curl patterns on my head. Very loosely curled at the nape area (likely a 3a), Tightly curled at the crown and the area just below the crown (type 4a-ish). Curled loosely in the front and sides but not as loose as the nape (3b maybe?)
3- My hair can maintain moisture for up to 5 days before a moisturizer needs to be applied.
4- I have loads of gray hair….but they stay burgundy or auburn thanks to henna.
5- My go to hairstyle in the summer is the wash and go.
6- My go to hairstyles in the winter are loose twists, buns and flat ironing my hair out (twice during the season_.
7- My crown section grows slower than the rest of my hair.
8 – My hair grows in natural layers.
9- I’m not OK with people touching my hair….even when asking. It’s not that I’ll say no. I’m just uncomfortable with it.
10- I’ve had blonde, blue and maroon hair in the past. Blonde was a permanent color and never again. The blue was….interesting.
10 Life Facts
1- My birthday is 1/15/69
2- I have no aunts or uncles that I know of. My mom has no brothers or sisters and I don’t have contact with my deceased father’s side of the family.
3- I’m an introvert. It may not seem like it but home is my favorite place to be! Also, being around a lot of people in general sucks the energy out of me.
4- I love buying new pretty makeup brushes but haven’t a clue how to beat my face LOL!
5- I LOVE planners and pretty notebooks. I have to exercise self-control when it comes to buying them. I allow myself no more than 10 notebooks at a time (the ones I keep at work don’t count!)
6- I like organizing and decluttering. No, I mean REALLY like. So, my home stays pretty clean and clutter free most days. (the rest of the time it’s because my husband is NOT naturally neat)
7- My favorite online place to shop is Amazon. I make anywhere from 5-7 orders a month but always look for deals. I also have an Amazon Shop where I recommend products I like.
8- I have 3 favorite colors: Wine/Maroon, Purple, and Teal/Aqua blue as evidenced by my wardrobe and my home.
9- I follow the 10 step Korean Skin Care plan to care for my skin. That includes using many Korean skin care products. I get my advice from Charlotte and her team over at The Klog.
10-I’m easily overwhelmed and will go to great lengths to gain control if things in my life seem out of order. I probably have a teeny bit of OCD. For example, it REALLY bothers me to see two bottles that are next to each other, facing in different directions. Oh, and it just drives me bananas to open the closet and see a different color hanger in the midst of other hangers of the same color. My husband does that (and doesn’t care) and it drives me nuts!
Lastly, I created Fine Natural Hair and Faith because I see the solutions not the problems for those facing challenges with their fine natural hair. Then, I help turn confusion into clarity.
With a strong faith in my Creator, I strive to provide clear tips for fine natural hair care that deliver results.
Hi Sister Michelle,
I received your tipson Self Care -God”s Way.I’m so glad to have received your e-mails.
I know you are Saved & You love the Lord Jesus. I already Love You. The Tips are Great!
I would like to refer you to another Sister in the Lord, her name is Sharon Johnson, her
web-site is Motivating u 2 win.com I have learned sooo much from her exhortations &
teaching. Please check it out! “Love you with the Love of the Lord”.
Hi Charlotte, thank you! i will check Sharon out