Do You Have A Special Place for Me Time?

Last updated on January 8th, 2025 at 06:58 am


Everyone needs some space for me time and a a place they can go to just get away from it all: Problems. Overwhelm. Responsibilities. Life.

We all find ourselves starting out into the abyss from time to time trying to figure out how to make problems less stressful. The responsibilities of life in and out of the home can take us to places in our mind that we sometimes feel we will never escape.

But, still there’s a special place – your space (or at least there should be) that you can go to and find some solace or “me time”. Maybe it’s a space that you go to think or to find some form of temporary relief, a little inspiration, empowerment or balance.

Whatever your special place is, it should be a constant. It’s the place you go to again and again. It’s a physical place – not just some corner in your imagination. It’s an actual place – a peaceful place.

For me, that place is also wrapped up in time – the early morning hours. My special place, believe it or not is the bathroom. I do have a spare bedroom that my husband and I share. He set up a space for me with a desk so that I can sit, read my Bible and pray or meditate. However, I keep finding myself in the bathroom on the throne LOL!

a special place in your home

I know it seems strange but there’s something about the bathroom that’s pin drop quiet. I can hear my thoughts and I can hear the Lord speak to me through His Word much clearer.

I’ve tried to make the spare bedroom my special place but with all of my husband’s DJ equipment in there, it’s a total mess. I could never find solace there. There’s just too much visual clutter.

Lastly, I tried to make the kitchen my special place since it’s also quiet but the problem with that space is my cat keeps coming in and brushing past my feet. Too distracting.

I was getting discouraged with find a special place in my apartment. Sitting in the bathroom seems to be the only place where I can get alone in quiet and undisturbed. The only issue is I need to do this very early in the morning. Otherwise, people start getting up and wanting to use the bathroom.

UPDATE: I’ve since moved and found the perfect place for me time! Learn more about it here.

Each morning at around 5am, I take some time for me to sit, pray and read my Bible. As long as I can get into the bathroom by then, I have blissful uninterrupted time alone. Sometimes it doesn’t happen but I try my best.

While some day I’d like to own my own home with a walk in closet to make my special place, for now my bathroom has provided me with a much needed space to be alone with God and my thoughts.

What place in your home do you find to be your special place and what do you do when you are there?

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