Faith for More Than Just Yourself

praying faith for others

God wants to supply all of your needs. Contrary to what religion tells you, God doesn’t make you sick to teach you a lesson or punish you (see James 1:17).

We live in a sin filled world and while in this world, you will be exposed to negative things (sickness, lack, etc) that will challenge your life here on earth. But just because you are challenged, doesn’t mean you have to accept what is thrown your way. On the contrary…

Jesus paid the price for everything you will ever need. (see Philippians 4:19) All you need to do is accept that free gift and have faith in what He has done and what the Bible says about your situation.

Praying for Others

This past weekend, my son had to be admitted for a video EEG study where his neurologist would study his brain activity. He’s been on seizure medications but they haven’t been 100% successful at putting an end to the seizures.

prayer and healing

So, while we were in the hospital, I was praying for him – that God would give wisdom to the doctors and come up with the right protocol to put an end of the seizures once and for all.

While praying, I got the sense that I need to stop praying for my son and pray for the others (1 Timothy 2:1) right there in the epilepsy unit with us.  I have faith that my son’s healing will be totally manifested either by a miracle or the right combination of medication (God uses medicine to heal too). So why not share that faith by praying in power for others?

Praying for our children is right always but there comes a time when you have to take your eyes off your own circumstances and use your faith to pray for somebody else’s child, you are showing God that you know He will take care of yours. Now, you are interceding for somebody else. It’s a selfless act to pray for others.

So, I began to pray the Word of God and to pray that He would touch the lives of everyone on the floor – patients, doctors, nurses, cleaning people, security and everyone involved in the running of this hospital.

By the time I had finished praying for everyone else, I wasn’t even focused on Christopher. The lesson is simple. My faith is not just for me. It’s for anybody I come across.

A Measure of Faith

God blesses every believer with a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). It’s our responsibility to exercise that faith for ourselves and for others.

Today if you are going through a challenge in your life, use your faith to pray for somebody else and then trust God to handle your situation. When you do this, you may notice that your problems don’t seem as insurmountable as before you started praying for somebody else. Try it. God’s got your back 🙂


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