NEW Lavender Crush Defining Gel by Camille Rose Naturals

Last updated on July 24th, 2020 at 09:02 pm

Camille rose natural crush defining gel

Camille Rose Naturals launched a new gel (Lavender Crush Defining Gel) about a year ago (as of the writing of this post. I totally ignored it because who needs another gel when you have CurlMaker!

I’ve been using CurlMaker for about a year now. When I first tried it, I didn’t like it because of how it separated my curls. It was too much and made my hair look piecey and lifeless.

wash 'n go with curlmaker

Then, I discovered that I needed to apply this gel differently than other gels. For example, I like to rake my CurlPrep Around the Way Gel into my hair. With CurlMaker, I found it’s better to smooth the product in.

At any rate, once I discovered how to apply CurlMaker, I realized that I needed to try it with various leave in conditioners and/or cream stylers.

Now, that I have the product paring and application technique down pat, CurlMaker has become a staple.

Related Post: Wash and Go Routine with Camille Rose Naturals

camille rose naturals wash and go
more volume but in need of a haircut
fine natural hair

Imagine my utter shock and disappointment to find that Ms. Camille had not brought any of my beloved gel to the Circle of Sisters event I attended in September.

Seriously, I was so disappointed because I had planned to rack up and buy like 4 bottles of the stuff. At events in NY, the Camille Rose Naturals booth sells their products for $10. That’s right. $10!! CurlMaker is normally $20+

Anyway, I get it now. The reason they didn’t bring CurlMaker with them is they were really trying to promote the new Lavender Crush Defining Gel.

CurlMaker Gel vs Lavender Crush Defining Gel

Well, I finally tried it and so far I love it! It doesn’t have as much slip as the Curlmaker gel but it has a little more hold. Also, it leaves your hair feeling touchably soft. It smells good too!

I’ve yet to use the Lavender Crush Defining Gel to do a wash and go but check out this half hearted twist out:

twist out with crush defining gel

I was not planning to do a twist out. I used the gel to set my twists. Then, I was going to release the twists and put my hair in a bun. Putting large twists in the hair is a method for stretching natural hair without heat.

Related Post: 3 Ways to Stretch Fine Natural Hair in or For Twists

After releasing the twists, the definition was so awesome I decided to just rock a twist out for a day. The results that the Camille Rose Crush Defining Gel were more than I could have hoped for! Find it here.

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  1. That’s great to hear! My issue is that my hair is very fine and thin with no volume. That’s really frustrating to me. It’s very fragile and breaks easily. I normally do not achieve the results I expect from styling. I don’t know what else to do because, i moisturize every other day.

    1. hi Vitty, Moisturizing doesn’t help with getting better styling per say. The styling products you use have more impact. If they are too heavy, they weigh the hair down. Also, a great immediate fix for hair with no volume is a layered haircut. It doesn’t have to be short just layered in the way that the “illusion” of fullness is created.

      You can also try temporary hair thickening herbs like henna and cassia. The easiest way to incorporate them into your hair regimen is to add 1-2 tablespoons of the herb to your deep conditioner weekly.

  2. this was helpful,Thank you for sharing.

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