Wash Day Featuring Aunt Jackie’s | Wash Day Experience
Last updated on June 29th, 2020 at 06:17 pm
The ladies over at Saving Our Strands and Just Grow Already! have been hosting a Wash Day Experience Link Up for quite some time now. I’ve been wanting to participate but it fell completely off my radar.
Well, today I’m jumping right on in and sharing my #washdayexperience “using up old products”
For me, wash days are either Friday or Saturday and occasionally on Sunday. Since I was away with hubby last Saturday and then my CJ was hospitalized on Sunday, this post is a bit late. Better late than never though!
I worked from home last Friday, so wash day was that day. The topic for the week is right up my alley since I have tons of old products (especially samples) to use up.
Products Used:
- Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil
- Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner
- Aunt Jackie’s Knot on My Watch Instant Detangling Therapy
- Aunt Jackie’s Oh So Clean! Moisturizing & Softening Shampoo
- Aunt Jackie’s In Control Moisturizing & Softening Conditioner
- Aunt Jackie’s Quench! Moisture Intensive Leave-In Conditioner
- Aunt Jackie’s Defining Curl Custard
- Aunt Jackie’s Curl La La Defining Curl Custard
Today I’m using all of the Aunt Jackie’s samples I received last year, starting with the shampoo. I’ve never used any products from this line before so this post is also going to be a product review of the line. Let’s get started.
My hair was pretty tangled after wearing it up in a bun for 4 days. I put the bun in after my wash and go gave up on me on by day 4.
Sectioning my hair into 4 and clipping each section up, I worked section by section and finger detangled with Aunt Jackie’s Instant Detangling Therapy. This product was wonderful for lack of a better word. One section at a time, I spritzed my hair with a little water and then applied the detangler. My fingers just glided down my hair and I was able to remove the shed hair with ease.
From the dawn of time (well, the time I first started pre-pooing), I’ve pre-poo’d with coconut oil and Aubrey Organics GPB.
Lately I’ve been pre-pooing with coconut oil and any ‘ole conditioner but I’m returning to my ‘ole faithful. I’m using up this bottle of GPB up but I have 2 more stored away!
this Beauty Spoon has served me well.
I used Aunt Jackie’s Oh So Clean! shampoo to cleanse my scalp. I only allowed the residue to run down the length of my hair. This shampoo cleansed my hair very well and there was no stripping of my natural oils. My hair felt clean after just one wash.
I normally co-wash with one of my staple co-wash products (Shea Moisture Coconut Hibiscus Cowash or Eden Bodyworks Coconut Shea Cleansing Cowash) but I have had these Aunt Jackie’s samples for a very long time. I was eager to use them because I can’t wait to get back to faves; like my favorite silicone based Hello Hydration. And, I can’t wait!
No more curly girl method for me. It just is what its. No harm, no foul and no difference with moisture retention than when I was using HH either. Well, there actually is a difference. When I regularly used Herbal Essences Hello Hydration, my hair almost never tangled. #thankyousilicones
Deep Conditioning
After rinsing out the shampoo, I applied the Moisturizing & Softening Conditioner throughout my hair in the same fashion as I washed it…in sections. I put on a plastic cap and deep conditioned with my Hot Head for 20 minutes. This deep conditioner was pretty good. It performed up to par with my other deep conditioners.
After rinsing my hair with warm water, I spritzed some refrigerated Aloe Vera juice throughout my hair and then applied Aunt Jackie’s Quench! Moisture Intensive Leave-In Conditioner. This leave in was just OK. I wish it had more slip
After the leave in, I decided to put in a few twists that I could wear pinned up for the week. It’s a good thing to. I had no idea I’d spend the better part of the week in the hospital with CJ.
I put 3 flat twist in the front (2 on the side with more hair opposite the part and 1 on the other). I then proceeded to put 4 additional flat twists in the back.
To set my twists, I used Aunt Jackie’s Flaxseed Elongating Curling Gel followed by the Defining Curl Custard. The gel served to add a light hold to my twists while the custard sealed in the moisture and aided in the defining process. I anticipated wearing the twists for 4 days before converting to the twist out for another 2 but after spending most of the week in the hospital, I just decided to wash it.
The flaxseed gel is also just OK. If I’m going to use snotty flax seed gel, I’d prefer it be one I make myself with no other additives. I also wasn’t that impressed with the defining curl custard but in all fairness I’d have to use it for a wash and go to see how well it would set my curls.
At night, I tied my hair down and in the morning laid my edges with a little more gel.
That’s all folks.
I’m so glad that your little guy got to leave the hospital! I’ve never tried Aunt Jackie’s but I’ve seen several folks using it. Which was your favorite product (so far) in the line?
Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica! Don’t forget to add your badge!
KLP @ http://www.savingourstrands.com
Thanks! We are just relaxing today. It’s my birthday but I’m sticking with him in the house til Tuesday. Well, we will go to church this weekend but that’s all.
I like the detangler the best out of them all. I’ll probably not buy it though lol. I’m still going to try the glycerin/water combo to see how that works.
I thought what I had added was the badge. K, let me update
ok this is odd. I see the badge at the bottom of my post
ok i figured out the problem. It was a Jetpack setting. Not all my images were loading. You can see all my images now!