My First DevaCut! Fine Natural Hair

Last updated on July 24th, 2020 at 09:18 pm

devacut wet fine natural hair

It’s been a long time coming. A Devachan DevaCut on my fine natural hair. Really?

After having had my hair cut straight almost two years ago, it’s not been the same.

Sure, it looked fine for the first few months but it’s been taking forever to grow back in and I’ve been getting split ends like crazy.

I amped up my use of natural herbs from my basic herbal hair care kit  and that helped a bit but I know I needed a serious cut to rid myself of the split ends and to create some shape to my hair.

Volume on Fine Natural Hair?

One of the main issues with fine hair is the lack of volume. No matter how much teasing you do (and that’s not good for hair anyway), fine strands tend to fall flat on their little hineys.

Hairstyles that you see on sisters with heftier strands that tend to just stand at attendion when wanting to create a nice fro, seem like a dream for those of us with fine natural hair. Unless you create the illusion….

A Deva cut can greatly remedy the lack of volume on fine natural hair. That’s why I decided to finally bite the bullet and just do it.

I made an appointment at a Devachan Salon in New York City (we have two). If you don’t live near a Devachan Salon, there are Devacut certified stylists around but proceed with caution. I’ve heard horror stories. The best way to find a stylist who specializes in the Devacut is to go for a consultation (they’re free) and then ask for a reference (or 2 or 3). Search for a Devachan curl specialist here.

DevaCut Transformation – Fine Natural Hair

Getting a Deva Cut may not be a big deal for those who naturally achieve big hair when styling. For us fine natural hair chicks, it creates a true transformation in terms of how the hair appears.

In the video below, I share my Deva Cut Transformation from beginning to end:

YouTube video

From the video, it’s clear that my experience was quite enjoyable. My stylist, Melanie was attentive to my request and only took off the hair that needed to go. She even gave me a bit of encouragement….

Your hair will grow nicer in this shape

Let’s hope.

Yes, it’s a bit shorter and it seems like I’ve been growing my hair to waist length for the past 10 years (lol)…thanks to all the cutting. Now, I can focus on keeping it healthy so that it does gain some length. If I make it to waist length, yay! If not, I’m going to allow my hair to grow as far as the good Lord allows. Aaaaaand, I will make a concerted effort to be happy with that. 😉

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  1. MsJunePearl says:

    Your hair came out great! How long did that wash n go style last? When I sleep on my hair it does not look the same unless I twist it at night. Please advise because I’m contemplating an appointment at Devachan now 🙂

    1. Hi! it lasted 4 days but that’s because I put it up. I put my hair in a pineapple (high ponytail) very loosely. Because it’s shorter in the back now, I have to use bobby pins to pin it up.

  2. Good for you, Michelle!! I think your hair turned out beautiful but your hair always looks great to me.

    1. awww thanks Joy. I’m kinda regretting it now LOL! I always regret cutting my hair. It’s starting to grow back some though

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