5 Secrets to Stress Free Deep Conditioning
Last updated on February 6th, 2023 at 08:51 pm
Like this detangling tip for fine hair that I shared, there are a few tips you’ll want to follow for stress free deep conditioning. Below you’ll find 5 deep conditioning tips (not really secret – only to those who don’t know) for effective deep conditioning.
Anyone with a healthy head of hair knows the importance of deep conditioning. Then, there are those who don’t see its value. I’ll bet it’s because they are either doing it wrong or doing it wrong.
You read that right.
Check out this article debunking the myth that deep conditioning is unnecessary:
Deep Conditioning is Not a Scam
Hopefully you read that article because it’s an important precursor to the deep conditioning tips you’re about to read.
Deep Conditioning Tips
Each of these tips is meant to help make your deep conditioning session stress free. No shortcuts.
1.Make sure your conditioner has slip
This is a very important tip. If you use a mediocre deep conditioner, it will not yield the results you want to achieve.
An effective deep conditioner will first impart moisture to your hair. Part of it being able to do that is its ability to help you glide the product through your hair.
Your deep conditioner needs to have enough slip for you to be able to distribute it throughout your hair so that you don’t experience breakage during the process.
2. Apply your deep conditioner to detangled hair
I like to detangle right after my wash. So, I hop in the shower after I’ve had my pre-poo in my hair for at least 30 mins (sometimes over night).
The pre-poo will help to soften your hair as well.
When you are ready to deep condition, making sure your hair is detangled and softened will help you to deep condition more effectively.
If you just add your deep conditioner to hair that’s not been detangled, you’ll end up with more tangles than you started with.
Note/Reminder: everything is done in sections
3. Use an actual heat source
Body heat just isn’t enough to open the cuticles of a hair strand. You need to apply a heat source like a dome bonnet, soft bonnet, microwaveable heating cap or plug in heating cap.
These sources will generate enough heat so that your deep conditioner actually works.
4. Add a little oil to your deep conditioner if it doesn’t have sufficient slip
Slightly contrary to detangling tip number one, if you have a deep conditioner that you like but just wish it had more slip, this tip will help.
Simply add a little oil (a tablespoon or two) to that deep conditioner. It will automatically give the product more slip.
5. Take Your Time
While deep conditioning, no need to rush. While you won’t get much benefit from the product after about an hour or so, you can easily multi task house work and running errands. Just pop on a cute hat and go.