Curly Proverbz 2017 Herbal Hair Care Line

Last updated on January 7th, 2024 at 10:48 am

curly proverbz ayurvedic hair line

2022 UPDATE: Curly Proverbz’ latest line of herbal hair care products can be found here. The review below is of her older collection when in partnership with Belle Bar.

In early 2017, one of my favorite Youtubers of all time, hailing from the UK, Farida aka Curly Proverbz created a new ayurvedic hair care line!  The CURLY PROVERBZ X BELLE BAR COLLECTION. Farida teamed up with Belle Bar Organic to bring us true all natural hair products that contain NO PRESERVATIVES or other potentially harmful ingredients.

How can they do such a thing you wonder?  Dehydrated ingredients. That’s right. NO liquid to spoil the batch so there’s no need for a preservative.

All the herbs your hair can stand are concertrated in one neat little package combined to pack a powerful punch of pure goodness. All you’ll need to do is separate out the amount required to treat your hair and add either water, aloe vera juice or honey (depending on the product).

If you are not much the DIYer, I feel you. I too enjoy all natural products but if making them requires me to mix more than 3 ingredients, I start glossing over the recipe. It’s just easier to by a hair product in a bottle. The only problem is regular, store made hair products have to be preserved so they are no longer natural.

Before Curly Proverbz Collection

For many years, Farida shared recipes for creating herbal (also called Ayurvedic) and all natural hair care products on her YouTube channel. Her goal was simply helping us ladies strengthen and grow our hair to astounding lengths.

CP focused on using all natural herbs such as henna, cassia, hibiscus, shikakai, amla and more. The lazy (I mean busy) of us have begged her to make and sell her DIY recipes and she-came-thru!

Launch of Curly Proverbz Hair Products

Curly Proverbz and Belle Bar Organics officially launched the limited edition line of ayurvedic hair products at a meet in greet in the heart of New York City. Yours truly came out to support and what a time we had! There’s some footage of the event on my YouTube channel .

I wanted to put this bee in your bonnet. Hopefully, you were able to #GetYouSome before they sold out!

Secret Hair Growth Oil

Anyone who follows Curly Proverbz on Youtube knew that she created this ayurvedic hair care line earlier this year. What we did not know was she had a secret product she was adding to the line up…a hair growth oil!

At the event, everyone fortunate enough to get a ticket before it sold out (in less than a day no doubt), received the entire hair care line (including the oil) at my favorite price point….FREE.

When wash day rolled around, I couldn’t wait to dig in. I shared my thoughts on each of the products and conducted a few demonstrations in the following videos:

YouTube video
YouTube video

However, if you don’t have time to watch the videos (even though I suggest you do!), here’s an overview of each of the products:

Curly Proverbz X Belle Bar “HENNA” Hair Gloss Mask

Created to be used as a weekly Henna treatment, this hair gloss mask encourages hair growth, follicle strength and adds moisture. It contains Henna, Marshmallow root, Avocado oil, Green Tea, Apple Cider Vinegar, Maca Root, Saw Palmetto and Basil.

This is no longer available 🙁 but you can go onto Faridah’s Youtube channel for the recipe to DIY it.

Curly Proverbz X Belle Bar “GROWTH” TEA RINSE

Meant to be a weekly hair treatment, this tea rinse encourages growth, follicle strength and adds moisture.  It contains Lavender, Black Tea, Calendula, Chamomile, Comfrey, Sage, Red Clover and Hops.

No longer available either.

Curly Proverbz X Belle Bar “CASSIA” Hair Gloss Mask

Also meant to be a weekly treatment, the Cassia hair gloss mask is considered Henna neutral. So, it doesn’t deposit or build up color on the hair shaft.

Like Henna, Cassia strengthens the hair shaft, improves overall health, and adds lots of shine. Unlike Henna, Cassia does not reduce shrinkage or drastically thicken up the hair.

Its effects are for a shorter period of time than henna. This hair gloss mask contains Cassia, Marshmallow root, Avocado oil, Green Tea, Apple cider vinegar, Maca Root, Saw Palmetto, and Basil.

Like the other Curly Proverbz hair products, it’s no longer available.

Curly Proverbz X Belle Bar Hair “GROWTH” Oil

Great for thinning hair, slow growing hair and balding hair, this hair growth oil will “grow hair like a boss while also helping you to maintain length.”

This contains Coconut oil, Olive Oil, Castor Oil, Henna, Methi (Fenugreek), Vitamin C, Peppermint, Rosemary and Tea Tree Oil.

Curly Proverbz hair products were available to the general public at Belle Bar Organic in August, 2017.

Since these herbal hair products were a limited edition collection, they were only available for a short time.

A Prayer for Farida/Curly Proverbz & Belle Bar Organic:

Father, thank you for blessing Farida and the owners of Belle Bar. You’ve given them a great appreciation and knowledge for the earth You created and I pray that you prosper their business as well as continue to give them wisdom on how to pair up your herbs to create the best DIY hair receipes around. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

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  1. Luvorn J Lucas says:

    I 64 years old I have trying everything to grow my hair I use to have hair on my head in 2006 when retired off of my job my hair in the top got ball and it never will grow back is there any of your hair products so that I can start using to help grow my hair back in the top I know it’s alopecia thank you

    1. Hi Luvorn, I’m not a professional so I can’t offer any definitive advice. However, I do know that herbs can help with stimulating hair growth. You have to however take into consideration if you take medications as well as any hair practices that you may have developed that aren’t conducive to your hair thriving. If your hair follicles aren’t dead, the hair can grow back.

  2. Joan richards says:

    Hi curly proverbs my name is Joan Richards from New York I watch your channel all the time it’s great thanks for sharing your knowledge with the world I too have hair problems my hair growing up was long to my butt am from a hakf Indian family so u can imagine but due to relaxers and colors my hair is not where it supposed to be or what it should feel like but am working on it do you have any sample I can try plz let me know I would be great full my email is

    1. Hello- I am not CurlyProverbz. If you read the post, you’d actually know that lol.

  3. EVELYN SMITH says:

    There are no ‘mistakes’. I happened on Curly Proverbz YouTube videos and was blown away by the quality, candor and knowledge of her presentations. You-Go-Girl…! I will be a ‘follower’ as long as she leads. Phenomenal information. I can’t wait to start using her products. Stay walking in your blessings Farida and Michelle.

    1. Hi Evelyn, thank you! Yes I love Faridah. I’ve learned so much about using herbs in hair care and am still learning

  4. Your prayers for Farida really touched me. May we continue to lift one another up like God intended. God bless you too

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