
2014 Lessons (What I Learned About My Natural Hair)

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 08:01 pm


You never really stop learning your hair. Just when you think you’ve arrived and know all there is to know about caring for your hair, up pops a new epiphany that has you rethinking everything you have been doing to grow, maintain and style it. That’s not a bad thing.

Your hair’s needs can change over time. At one point in time, you may have had to moisturize your hair daily. Now, maybe not so much. Whatever may change, the good news is it’s all good! Even when you reach your hair length goals, there’s a whole new set of learnings you need to pick  up to keep it at the length you desire.

I’ve been on the journey to waist length for like 75 years…ok that’s an exaggeration but it sure feels like it!! I’m not there yet but I’m finally making progress that nudges me closer to my goal as I keep learning, I’ll get there.

Well,  here’s my new set of hair lessons learned (Read my 2013 hair lessons here):

  • Goat Milk Revelations:  I knew my hair loved protein but little did I know that I could get the best results by making my own and tweaking it to my hair’s liking.  Shelli aka Hairscapades shared her DIY Goat’s milk conditioner a little over a year ago and I was too lazy to try it at first. I finally decided to make a go of it. My hair growth had appeared to stall. I didn’t have a lot of breakage but there was bound to be some because my hair just didn’t appear to be growing. Anywho, I started using my version of the DIY goat’s milk conditioner back in April and my hair has been greatly improving. I’ve experienced much stronger hair – even stronger than my regular store bought protein (I know! Amazing right??!). My hair is also a lot softer in the crown area when I use the goat’s milk. It’s cooperating much better with the rest of my hair. Aside from this hair lesson, I discovered I actually like making this recipe! Makes me feel like I’m going all back to my roots and stuff. Plus, It’s so simple. It’s not exactly like Shelli’s but the base is the same. I add rosemary oil to mine and I increased the amount of guar gum by ¼ teaspoon to thicken the conditioner more.
  • Longer Pre-Poo Time:  Pre-pooing for the better part of the day (think… before work and keeping it in til I get home…or even to the next day) makes my wash day nearly effortless. Tangles are really minimal now and so are my SSKs (single strand knots)
  • To Use or Not To Use Natural:  Not all my products have to be all natural. I know what you are thinking. “But, Michelle you said you prefer using all natural products.” While I absolutely love all natural products, there’s one that’s of the drug store persuasion that I have had to return to. Herbal Essences! Hello Hydration was my love for so long but that blue dye color really was a concern. However, the slip and detangle factor could not be matched by another product….until now! It’s still an Herbal Essences product just without the dye and parabens (yay!!!!). It’s called Naked. I tell you, I was thrilled when this conditioner came out. It seems the manufacturers are heeding some of the concerns of people who are sick and tired of using products with lots of chemicals in them.  Naked is very similar to HH . I got it as a sample  attached to the HH (hmmm how coincidental). It’s now a staple. I use it on wash day with no chemical concerns. Sure, it’s not 100% natural but the ingredients in Naked are much kinder.
  • Ditch the Tricks:  Last off, I learned that I don’t need to take supplements or do all the hair growth tricks people are doing to get their hair to grow; Things like….the inversion method, for example.  I’m not saying the inversion method isn’t effective. It seems to work for many. But what you have to put yourself through to do it, is it worth it? For some the answer is yes. I’m a little on the fence. For me, I recognized that all I need to do for hair growth is follow a consistent healthy hair regimen including a balance of protein/moisture, cut down on all the extra manipulation and be patient. Time and patience are paying off. OK. In all fairness I am not all that patient but seeing progress where growth is concerned does help 🙂 natural hair growth


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