Podcast: Can AI Be Your Natural Hair Assistant?

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Podcast Description – Using AI for Natural Hair Care

In this episode we are delving into the use of AI for natural hair care, specifically tapping into AI to build out a hair regimen and answering the question: Is the use of AI ungodly?

Episode Transcription

Today we’re talking about a little explored or examined topic – the use of AI for natural hair care.

AI has literally invaded our world. I was reading an article on the Business Insider about how AI is being used by black-owned beauty tech companies to harness personalized data to better serve customers. To me this sounds a little invasive, but there may be some good to it. 

Then, I was reading an article from Seed Time Money about getting an AI to create a playbook about another topic that is beyond the scope of this episode.

I’ll leave a link in the show notes to both articles in case you’re interested.

At any rate, it all got me to thinking. “What if AI could create a natural hair regimen for those of us with fine natural hair?”

Would it be accurate? 

Would it be useful?

So, that’s what we’re going to talk about in this short but thought-provoking episode.

When I started thinking about getting AI to generate a hair regimen for those with financial hair, I knew that I had to first be very detailed in telling it exactly what I was looking for. So, I shared the conversation in a blog post which I will link in the show notes as well.

AI stands for artificial intelligence for those of us who may not know. While the intelligence part is easy to decipher, it’s the artificial part that may give you pause.

As it relates to caring for our natural hair, there’s no doubt that we have many nuances, steps, and methods for caring for our hair. Some of it is relatively simple. In fact, the simpler your hair regimen the better. So why use AI?

For starters, the artificial in this scenario doesn’t mean the information is fake.

In fact, AI scours the web and pulls in information from various sources to provide you with a best answer if you will. 

While, I think it’s a novel idea to use AI to help you with various tasks like creating a cleaning schedule or giving you ideas for home entertaining as it relates to hair care, we need to absorb the information given with a watchful eye.

That’s because, even though AI is pulling in information from reputable sources online, it can also be pulling in information from sources that aren’t so reputable. This is why you have to do your due diligence to make sure that information being provided to you for a head regimen is solid.

Now, let’s look at this from a different light. 

The Christian light. Is AI godly? I say it’s neither godly or ungodly. It’s just a tool for receiving information. The problem for believers, though, is we don’t want to rely on information provided by AI more than we do our spiritual downloads from God Almighty Himself.

It’s very easy to think that AI may know best or that AI is the easiest way to research a topic, but if you have hair goals, for example, is AI going to be able to search your heart to determine if your hair goals honor God, or if it’s all about vanity and seeing how many people you can impress? It’s something to think about.

In fact, I did a previous show about, “Do your hair goals honor God?” And I’ll leave that link in the show notes as well.

We are all presented with what pleases our flesh, but as Christians, we need to be able to discern when we are stepping into dangerous territory. Yes, it’s okay to search AI for help with getting information for your hair care or other parts of your life. Just always remember that if you are struggling with any of it, check with your Creator first.

He’ll give you a much more robust and 100% fail-proof response that AI can’t touch.

In fact, it’s our Creator, God Almighty, that knows all the inner workings of our hair, but not just our hair, our entire beings.

You know, we are created in His image. So, if you think about it, if you’re struggling with any area of your life, why not check with the one who created the handbook for it?

I’ll give you a little example. Let’s say you drive a Mercedes. Would you go to a Honda dealership to figure out what’s going on with it when there’s a problem?

I’m not, you know, doubting Honda, obviously. I drive one, but the point is that you need to go to the manual maker of the thing. In our case, God Almighty our Creator.

AI is fine for gathering information, getting ideas, but in the end, always remember that your source, your Creator, He is the one who can give you the answer that you need when you can’t seem to find a human answer or in this case, an artificial intelligence answer that will suffice.

Anyway, thanks for listening to this week’s quick episode on using AI for natural hair. If you enjoyed it or found it valuable in any way, please give it a rating on your podcast player. Until next time, stay faithful, stay beautiful, and keep caring for your crown luv.

AI image of a black woman with natural hair and a microphone with the words, 'can AI assist you with your natural hair regimen podcast'

Resources Mentioned In The Podcast Episode: 

Can AI Create the Perfect Natural Hair Regimen for You?

Setting Hair Goals that Honor God

Business Insider Article: https://www.businessinsider.com/natural-hair-products-personalized-recommendations-ai-2023-10

Seedtime Money Article: https://seedtime.com/satans-plan/

Previous Podcast Episode: Tips for Winter Hair Care Routines

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