The Things Women Do For Hair Growth
Last updated on November 16th, 2019 at 08:45 pm
A look at the different methods us women try to get our hair to grow long.
Aside from following a consistent hair care regimen (i.e. Tightly Curly, Curly Girl Methods) including things like ACV rinses, the LCO method, and protein treatments, there are some thangs that women of all races across the border will do for length. Unless you’re among the few ladies for which long hair isn’t a dream goal, you have probably done one or many (lol) of the methods I’m about to share to grow your hair long.
In the interest of disclosure, I have tried some of these methods. While, I think some of them are extreme to achieve hair growth, the purpose of this post is not to bash nor recommend any of the methods. I’m simply sharing how each of these hair growth methods is supposed to “work” and how to incorporate them into your hair care regimen. It’s up to you to decide if you want to try something that you may not have heard of before.
Let’s hit it…
Yes, the anti-fungal vaginal cream used to treat yeast infections. Ladies seeking longer hair faster, massage Monistat into their scalps directly or diluted with a little water, they apply it to the scalp from a bottle with an applicator.
The Baggy Method
The baggy method is done by applying a conditioner (leave in or rinse out) to the hair (typically the ends) followed by covering the hair with a plastic cap or baggie. Some ladies baggy their ends for days at a time. The baggy method is supposed to keep the hair well conditioned and moisturized so as to minimize breakage with the desired result being length retention.
Greenhouse Effect (“GHE”)
The Greenhouse Effect, also know as GHE is supposed to increase the sebum flow in the scalp as well as the hair’s moisture levels. It’s done by applying a light application of natural oil to the hair, but not on the scalp. You then cover your head with a plastic cap followed by multiple layers of covering (scarf, hat, bonnet etc) to generate heat in your scalp. The head coverings should either be slept in or left on for several hours. The GHE is supposed to support healthy hair growth and length retention. It’s not required but it’s recommended that the moisture generated be sealed in with an oil or styling cream.
Birthed from the GHE method, pure minerals, nutrients and vitamins “extracted from deep within mountains” are applied to the hair on wash day. GHE2 is quite an in depth process and boasts being the “best hair care system in the world.” It can be done by ladies with all hair types and it starts on wash day.
The Inversion Method
A warmed natural oil is applied to the scalp and the head is inverted by either leaning over to touch your toes, sitting in a chair with your head hanging down or laying on the bed with your head hanging off the side. The position you choose is to be held for 4 minutes. The process of inverting the head is to stimulate blood flow to the scalp. It’s recommended that inversion only be done for 7 consecutive days in a month. Otherwise your body will get used to it and it will not work. Many ladies boast that the inversion method has given them 1 inch of growth in a week. Some rare claims boast more.
Scalp Massages with Oils
Scalp massages are very popular for hair growth. Some popular oils used are Wild Growth Hair Oil, Liquid Gold Hair Oil, Castor Oil and DooGrow MegaThick Growth Oil. WGHO has been around for years and they now have an updated formula in addition to the original. Liquid Gold is sulfur based and other ingredients include Grapeseed Oil, Castor Oil, Argan Oil, and a proprietary essential oil blend. It’s applied to the scalp every other day. It can be washed out in the morning, if applied at night but it’s not necessary. Castor oil and DooGrow can be massaged into the scalp nighty or as often as needed.

MegaTek Rebuilder
A hair product claiming to “regenerate hair cells, strengthen hair strands from root to tip and accelerate growth,” MegaTek is actually marketed towards owners of horses. Per the manufacturer, it’s environmentally friendly, non-toxic. and doesn’t contain silicones or petroleum.
To use MegaTek, all that’s needed is to massage it into the scalp several times weekly or as much as daily (must wash hair at least weekly if used daily) OR massaged into hair and scalp as part of a sort of pre-poo process and then after a couple of hours wash out. The company also offers a shampoo and conditioner.
Mane ‘n Tale
An old school line of products including shampoo and conditioner, the company has added to it’s line up: leave in conditioner, pomade, and skin therapy cream. Mane ‘n Tale products are advertised to give you longer, fuller hair with regular use. Visit their site for directions on how each product is to be used.
Garlic Shampoo
Another very old school remedy for hair growth, garlic shampoos are used like any other shampoo. It’s supposed to prevent hair loss by stimulating cell growth in the scalp. Garlic supplements are also available on the market. (see below). While many ladies only use it when they notice an increase in hair fall (shedding), some use it weekly or whenever they wash.
Vitamin Supplementation
The belief behind vitamin supplementation is that hair growth starts from within. Sulfur, Biotin, Garlic and HairFinity are among the many supplements on the market that promise an increase in hair growth. I won’t go into depth on the ingredients of each. You can click the links below to learn more and purchase if interested.

What I Have Used
OK. I know I said I wasn’t going to recommend any of the hair products that promise hair growth. And I’m not LOL. I’m just sharing what it is that I have done to achieve hair growth for myself.
I’ve done and continue to do scalp massages with oils. I used to use Jamaican Black Castor Oil but it caused me a lot of itching. So, I discontinued that. I used to use a blend of natural oils that I mixed up myself but discontinued that (no reason) and am currently using Wild Growth Hair Oil.
I’ve also done 1 week of the Inversion Method and plan to do it again in the future. My only qualm is I usually miss a day or two because I forget to do it. Thereby, causing my results to be inconclusive.
As I shared in a previous post, I’ve also done the Greenhouse Effect Method. I even hosted a GHE challenge this past fall. I love the amount of moisture generated and it will remain part of my hair regimen – summers only because I need to do it when I’m able to use AC in my apartment. In the winter, it’s too darn hot! I’m also looking to try the GHE2 method in the future. You can infer from above that it’s basically GHE on steroids 🙂
Most currently, I’m taking Hairfinity vitamins. I have taken biotin supplements as well as Hair/Skin/Nail vitamins in the past but now that I’ve joined the Hairfinity challenge (after reading so many great testimonials) which begins February 3,2014, I will be exclusively using Hairfinity supplements.
So, what if any of these hair growth methods have you tried before?
Girl, you took it back with the Mane ‘n Tail. I remember when girls were buying that stuff by the boatload. I think I had the leave-in but I wasn’t consistent.
I haven’t tried anything on this list but when I first chopped I took biotin. Again, I wasn’t consistent. I did it for less than month lol
I’m really lazy with my hair, that’s why I just focus on keeping it clean, conditioned and moisturized. I think as long as you do the basics, everything else will take care of itself.
I’ve never taken just Biotin. I’m curious as to how things would have gone with only this supplement. However there’s one thing I left off the last that I have been seeing lately….Peanut Butter DCs! I don’t get why since theres plenty of protein choices but OK. No comment LOL