Results from Using The Henna Hair Gloss from Curly Proverbz

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Last updated on July 31st, 2020 at 06:49 pm

Curly Proverbz Henna Gloss Review

ayurvedic hair care on fine natural hair
Two week old hair

It’s been about a month since I started using the entire line of herbal hair care products collaborated on by creator, Curly Proverbz and Belle Bar Organics.

My hair seems to be thriving already. I notice that between wash days my hair looks better and the only thing I’m doing differently is massaging my scalp/lightly lubricating my strands with the Methi (Fenugreek) hair growth oil (with added MSM powder) and moisturizing with the tea rinse.

I started out using the Cassia Hair Gloss on wash day and have used it twice back to back. This past weekend I switched over to using the Henna Hair Gloss. which I mixed in to my Mane Choice Green Tea Carrot Conditioner.

Henna Hair Gloss Overview

Henna is such a beneficial herb for our hair. I’ve been using it successful for many years yet I still come across hair stylists that proclaim that henna is no good for the hair. I think that’s because they don’t understand how to use it or how it really works (haven’t they seen how long and healthy Indian ladies hair is???).

Henna helps to fill in gaps along the hair shaft just like a protein treatment. It also deposits a permanent color that’s a beautiful hue of auburn or bergundy (depending on the crop) and temporarily loosens curls, although that’s not necessarily the case when used as a gloss (henna + a conditioner).

[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]Curly Proverbz Henna Gloss gives a conditioner a boost even when when it’s pretty sufficient in itself[/tweetthis]
henna hair gloss
Hair with henna hair gloss in it

The Mane Choice Green Tea Carrot Conditioner contains:

Aloe Juice
Castor Oil
Sunflower Oil
Avocado Oil
Broccoli Seed Oil
Carrot Seed Oil
Honey Extract
Silk Amino Acids
Green Tea Extract
Vitamin B-5
Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein
Coconut Oil
Vegetable Glycerine
Meadowfoam Oil
Grapefruit and Lavender Essential Oils

As you can see, this deep conditioner has hydrating and strengthening ingredients. The Curly Proverbz henna hair gloss has complimentary ingredients including:

Marshmallow Root
Avocado Oil
Green Tea
Apple Cider Vinegar
Maca Root
Saw Palmetto

There’s a couple of ingredients as you can see, that overlap with the Mane Choice Deep Conditioner. That’s part of why I chose these two to be paired up.


Here’s what my hair looked like directly after washing it but before putting in the henna hair gloss…

wash day fine natural hair
Washed with Camille Rose Naturals Sweet Ginger Cleansing Rinse

After the Henna Hair Gloss: (no product in the hair)

results of using a henna hair gloss
Poppin’ visibly more dense curls with spring!
henna hair gloss results

In my concluded review of Curly Proverbz Henna Gloss, the important thing to note is my results are quite similar to when I do a full strength henna. Only, when I do a full strength henna there’s a color stain that adequately covers my grays and I don’t repeat the process for another two months.

The Henna Hair Gloss can be used weekly so that’s the plan before I switch back to using the Cassia Gloss. Shortly after, I’ll decide if I should use one or the other. Maybe I’ll continue to use both. We’ll see.

Have you ever used a Cassia or Henna Hair gloss?

A Prayer for Our Hair:

Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus thank you for the strength of pure herbs to heal our hair and help it to thrive. May you continue to open our eyes to see the value of using all natural. Amen.

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  1. Need help went to geta perm from a hair stylist went home my hair started falling out .I felt so bad

    1. oh no i’m so sorry about that. No sure what can be done with these chemicals be so harmful. Suggest you see a dermatologist.
      Again, i’m so sorry

  2. Michelle, it is truly a blessing to see a fellow sister in Christ who also has biblical discernment to stay away from the spiritual dangers that can lurk behind Ayurveda practices if believers in Christ are not careful. We certainly do have to watch what we bring into our lives. I would love to see your post on “How Can I Follow Ayurveda and Be Christian.” We certainly need that discernment and exhortation from one another to keep us all strong in the faith. I am also a fine haired sister, but I am looking into texlaxing to make my hair more stronger and manageable. Not ready for the natural plunge yet! LOL
    I did my first henna gloss today and was amazed at the results I got; no shedding or breakage, my hair was stronger, felt fuller, and softer, and I loved the color that it gave me and how it covered my little grays!
    This gloss has definitely been the solution for what my hair needed, and I plan to continue using them to grow my hair to long lengths. I’m so glad I found your site and will be following you and your regimen. You have beautiful hair! God bless and keep you my sister!

  3. Hi Michelle,
    I’ve bought some hair oils from this aryuvedic natural hair care line owned by a woman in New York. I don’t know if you heard of Lakshmi’s Cupboard but anyways the name itself derives from an Indian goddess of beauty. I did not think much of the product when I was buying it. I just saw it from a natural hair YouTuber who recommended her viewers to buy it. So anyways I’m a Christian as well and I was wondering if it was right for me to use these oils that I purchased even though it’s under the name of an Indian Goddess? I didn’t know about this while buying the oils, but I had this feeling that I should look more in depth

    1. Hey Leila-

      You and other ladies like you were on my mind and I’m going to write a post on “How Can I Follow Ayurveda and Be Christian?”

      in the case of those oils, I honestly would not use them. It’s a shame to be a waste of money but these so called “priestesses” and “goddesses” pray over their products and sell them to people who really don’t know what they are doing. An example is Iyanla Vanzant. She is a Yorubian priestess and sells soaps which she says her prayers over which are then brought into peoples homes. You definitely don’t want to be opening up your home to any spirits that aren’t the Holy Spoirit.

      If you want to use herbs and oils, I’d buy them from companies like Mountain Rose Herbs, Bulk Apothecary and other suppliers that don’t have any religious affiliations. If you just buy the herbs, you can make your own oils.

      I know this is very controversial for some but we as Christians have to watch what we bring into our lives.

      1. If you believe in God, you have nothing to worry about. All things were created by him, through his blood, you are always covered. Do not live in fear, believe in him. Happy hair growing to all my sistas <3

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