A Faith Based Look at Hair Care

Last updated on December 28th, 2022 at 04:32 pm

Faith based hair care is not something you typically hear about. Yet, in this post I want to share with you how important I think it is to tie in your with with your hair care if you are a believer.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7

“But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:7


These two scriptures support God’s interest and concern about your hair. The words “in everything” means just that. EVERYTHING. Your hair is a thing. It’s part of you.

The heads of your hair being numbered are because God created them. He knows every facet of your being. So, it makes sense that if He knows you, He’s concerned about His creation. What He’s made is of concern to Him.

When it comes to caring for your hair, who best would know all about it but God, the Creator?

Some people think talking about hair is mundane. Unimportant. Some even consider talking about hair in the sense of developing whole blogs and websites around it as being excessive.

In the grand scheme of life, I suppose it can be. However, hair talk is only excessive if you idolize it.

I look at hair care differently. I want to make sure it’s approached in a faith based manner.

A Woman’s Hair is Her Covering

faith based hair care

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 11: 15, “but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory.” For her hair is given to her for a covering.”

The fact that God thought it important enough to let us know that hair is a woman’s covering, lets you know that it’s not mundane and unimportant.

Should a Woman Cut Her Hair?

There’s also much debate around the cutting of a woman’s hair. If you are a Christian (and based on your denomination), then you may be of the school of thought that a woman should never cut her hair.

I think you should cut your hair to fix problems that may arise; problems like single strand knots and split ends.

These are good reasons to cut or rather trim one’s hair.

Deciding to cut your hair into a style is another reason some women may cut their hair. While I don’t think the Lord has an issue with you cutting your hair into certain styles, removing all of a woman’s hair in a manner that leaves her without a covering is something that one should carefully consider.

If a woman’s hair is her covering, why remove it all? That would leave her uncovered yes?

Now, there are health reasons in which a person may either lose their hair or it is required for it to be cut. In the context of cutting, this is obviously not what’s being referred to.

Faith Based Hair Care in a Nutshell

Faith based hair care is much more than deciding to cut or not to cut. Caring for your hair in a manner that honors God and looking to Him for direction when you are unsure of what to do to make your hair thrive is how I would define faith based hair care.

For example, if you are experiencing hair loss or have been trying to grow your “covering” to no avail, seek God and His wisdom. He will lead you to the answers you desire.

Seeking God in this manner would be just like seeking Him for the answers to other life problems. You’d:

How would this look in action? Here’s an example:

The Prayer: “Father God, I come before you in the name of Jesus. You are the Creator of all things. Your Word tells me in 1 Corinthians 11: 15 that you have given women long hair for a covering. Lord, I come to you asking you to manifest what you have declared in Your Word. Give me the wisdom needed to care for my hair in a manner that supports that Word. In Jesus Name Amen

Daily Confessions: Thank you Lord that I have beautiful long and healthy hair. Thank you that I use the right hair products and techniques.

Notice, the prayer is the request. The confession is standing on the fact that you believe God has heard and answered your prayer. You are SPEAKING like you already received the promise.

THIS is faith based hair care

I pray that if you are a believer in the Christian faith, this article has helped you in some way. It was not my intention to offend anyone but to always lift up God and His Word.

May God richly bless you as you embrace your hair and journey.

Let’s honor the Lord in our bodies which are his temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

You may also be interested in the benefits of Indian Herbal Hair Care (not Ayurveda)

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  1. Luvorn J Lucas says:

    Thank you so much I learned a lot I do have faith in my hair that it will grow back but sometime my faith is weak because I hear is just ball on the top I’ve been wearing wigs for a long time thank God I retired off my job in 2006 because it was no way that I could have worked with a wig on my head in a hot Factory thank you so much I just want to get the right hair product for my hair Journey if hopefully it’s not too late for me thank you

    1. there is no time with God. He can do anything. You have to just trust Him and not look at what you can see because everything that’s seen is subject to change. Speak into existence what you WANT to see, not what you currently see

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