10 Reasons Your FINE NATURAL HAIR Is Not What It Should Be
Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 07:22 pm
If you are dissatisfied with your fine natural hair, I can totally related. There’s myriad of fine natural hair problems that can arise to cause you to feel unhappy and discouraged with your hair. Below you will find 10 reasons that could be the cause of why your hair is not where it should be.
I. You Don’t Use Protein
I’ve said it many, many times. Protein is necessary for the health of your hair. This is especially true for those of us with fine hair.
Your hair is made of roughly 90% protein so it stands to reason that if you want to support the integrity of your hair, you need to give it protein treatments at specific intervals.
The key is finding the best type of protein for your hair. Then, use it for maintenance or as needed.
Here’s a helpful article: How to Protein Treat Your Hair Even if You Think You’re Protein Sensitive
II. You Don’t Protect Your Fine Hair Well Enough
While using protein treatments for maintenance is a form of proactively protecting your hair, there’s so much more to it. And, protective styling isn’t exactly what I’m referring to; although that’s part of it.
If you’re not protecting your fine natural hair well enough, it could be the reason your hair isn’t doing as well as you would like.
Leaving your hair unprotected increases the wear and tear on your strands. You want to make sure you protect your hair when you are sleeping, when you are traveling/commuting and when you are washing/styling.
III. You Heat Style
This is commonly the crux of most ladies hair problems. Heat styling is just not a good thing for those with fine hair.
That’s not to say you can never heat style. Where would the fun in that be?
I’d liken the frequency of heat styling to eating junk food. It should be a very rare occasion. Although, that’s been an issue of mine for a loooooong time! It’s not so with heat styling.
Save the heat styling for special occasions. You know like…Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and your birthday 😉
When you’re done, get some hair recovery done with Olaplex.
IV. You Manipulate Your Hair Too Much
If you’re consistently styling your hair, you’re doing too much.
If you’re constantly touching your hair, you’re doing too much.
Doing too much is basically manipulation that increases the wear and tear on your hair, making it weaker.
Fine hair doesn’t need any help being weak. We need to PRESERVE our hair as much as we can. That means you can’t do too much manipulating and expect your hair to be where you want it.
Here’s a very eye opening video on the very subject matter of preservation of fine hair:
V. You Use Caustic Chemicals on Your Hair
You may not be putting a relaxer in your hair but relaxers aren’t the only hair products with chemicals that slowly eat away at your hair strands.
As a “rule” of thumb, if you can’t pronounce the ingredient list, it’s not a good idea to put it in your hair. When in doubt, you can check out the Cosmetic Database for toxicity levels of specific ingredients.
VI. You’re Not Embracing Herbs and Essential Oils
We’ve come a long way from having nothing but commercial hair products at our disposal. Herbs and essential oils have so many benefits for hair. You can even add them to hair products you already have if they are lacking in them.
Do you have to use herbs or essential oils in your hair? No, but if you are trying to combat some of the common fine natural hair problems so you can take it to the next level of health and beauty, why not?
VII. You Don’t Get It Shaped
If the reason you are unhappy with your fine hair is how it looks when it is styled, you may need to get it cut in a shape.
Fine hair tends to fall flat. It lacks volume. So, in order to give it some help in the volume department (if that’s what you want), get it cut in a shape consisting of soft layers.
VIII. You Don’t Know How to Take Care of It
If you are just washing your hair from time to time and not really following any sort of hair regimen built on solid hair routines, that’s a good reason your hair isn’t where it should be.
Good hair care of any sort requires knowing what your hair needs. It’s knowing how to care for it on wash day and the days in between.
Take the time to learn about your fine natural hair so that you can best care for it.
IX. You Ignore Your Hair’s Porosity
This is closely associated with knowing how to take care of your hair. If you don’t know your hair’s porosity levels, you are more than likely not giving it the correct treatments or using the right hair products.
When you begin to use hair products in a manner that supports your porosity, you’ll notice a big difference in the health of your hair.
For example, if you have low porosity hair, you’ll moisturize your hair differently from someone with high porosity hair. Yes, you are both moisturizing and you may even be using the same product but HOW you apply that moisturizer will differ.
X. You’re Not Consistent
You may know all there is to know about caring for your fine natural hair but if you aren’t consistent with doing these things then, all your knowledge is in vain.
Being consistent with your hair care routines is imperative if you want to get your hair to where it should be. It’s that consistency that will also help you to overcome many fine natural hair problems.
Often times you’ll discover solutions when you are simply taking the time to give your hair the attention it needs.
Fine Hair vs Thin Hair
Lastly, it’s also important to clarify that fine hair doesn’t necessarily equal thin hair. Can it be? Absolutely but not always.
You can have a lot of fine hairs on your head. Your overall head of hair wouldn’t be thin. Lots of hairs equals thick hair.
Fine hair is simply identified by the circumference of an individual strand.
The tips just shared will help those with fine hair, fine natural hair, fine thin hair and fine thick hair. Notice the keyword is “fine” and the goal is to overcome problems associated with this hair type looking and feeling its best.
To sum things up, if you noticed that each reason shared had nothing to do with what’s going in internally. Basically, your dietary intake or any health conditions weren’t taken into consideration.
If you have health issues or are neglecting proper dietary consumption, you’ll first want to address those issues before you can combat your fine natural hair problems from an external perspective.