Attacking All The Things That Work Against Fine Curly Hair
Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 07:26 pm
For those of us with fine curly hair, we have challenges to overcome if we are going to protect our hair from breakage or stalling in the growth department. That’s why I’m kicking off an Anti-___________________ (you fill in the blank) hair series over on YouTube. These tips for fine curly hair will cover all the solutions that are needed for fine hair problems.

This series was supposed to start in February but after a vote asking what my subscribers wanted me to cover first, the “Fine Hair Doing it Better” series won out. So, that’s what I will be covering first. Then, in March it’s the Anti series.
I still want to give you a sneak peek into the topics I will be covering though. For this YouTube hair series, some of the “Anti” topics I will cover include:
- Anti-Breakage – tips for preventing hair breakage
- Anti-Shrinkage – tips to help you deal with shrinkage that eventually leads to breakage
- Anti-Tangling – tips to help you keep your fine curly hair either tangle free or reduce how much your hair tangles
- Anti-Dullness – tips to help you get your hair to shine no matter the color
- Anti-Frizz – tips that help you battle frizzy hair
- Anti-Splitting – tips for helping you to prevent split ends anywhere along the hair shaft
- Anti-Dryness – tips to help you keep your hair moisturized and prevent it from drying out
- Anti-Flatness – styling tips to help your hair not appear so flat and lifeless
- Anti-Shedding – tips to help you deal with premature or excess shedding
As you can see, there’s no shortage of enemies to fine hair. This isn’t even an exhaustive list.
What’s Your “Anti” Topic?
I’m also taking requests from my viewers and readers. So, if there’s any topic you’d like me to cover, just leave a comment. I’ll share my tips and if there’s anything I’m not very familiar with, I’ll do the research for you.
Also, hop over to the Fine Natural Hair and Faith YouTube channel to be notified when the series kicks off.
What other tips for fine curly hair would you like for me to cover either here on the blog or in the Anti-series?