Extreme Moisture Wash Day Routine for Natural Hair

An effective wash day routine for natural hair will provide the moisture and hydration needed for healthy hair.

wash day routine natural hair

The longer you’re on your natural hair journey, the more you’ll come to realize that your natural hair needs moisture as much as your lungs need air to breathe. It doesn’t matter what a person’s hair type is. You can have type 2 natural hair all the way to 4 C hair (most common for black women).

Types of Hair Routines

There are different types of hair care routines. Each hair care routine when bundled together (although completed at different times) are what make up the totality of your hair regimen.

So, for example, you can have a:

  • Hair growth routine
  • Routine for doing a protective style
  • Daily moisture (and sealing) routine
  • Detangling routine
  • Trimming routine
  • Strengthening routine
  • Wash day routine

Find out more about the different types of hair routines here: Hair Routines for Your Hair Regimen.

To decide on the right routine for your hair, you need to have at least two key pieces of information about your hair:

  • It’s characteristics
  • It’s major requirements

You’ll find more on characteristics below. For most people with natural hair, the top 3 major hair care requirements are:

  1. a gentle detangling process which includes some form of finger detangling
  2. balanced hair products that:
    1. hydrate and promote long lasting moisture
    2. hair products that strengthen

My Hair Type and Characteristics

fine hair type and characteristics

Also, when putting together a wash day routine, it’s important to know your hair’s characteristics. I’ll share mine as an example.

A complete overview of my hair ‘s characteristics (in order of what I deem most important) are as follows:

Porosity: Most low, medium in the nape section

Type: Fine mixture of type 3 C overall and type 4 A in the crown section

Density: Medium

Length: Bra strap in the back, Arm pit in the front

Color: Mixture of dark brown and grey

I’m not much into the hair typing system but because I know a lot of people are, I shared what my own hair type is as a point of reference for the hair care products I’m about to share below.

Knowing Your Hair Type & Characteristics Helps With Choosing Products

When you know your hair type and it’s characteristics, it helps you to choose the right hair products to incorporate into your hair care regimen. So, we all need to have, at the very least a:

  • Cleanser (at least 2 different sulfate-free shampoos for rotating and a clarifying shampoo)
  • Deep conditioner
  • Leave-in conditioner
  • Sealant

However, within these different types of hair care products there are different formularies to address different hair types. For example, there are products specific for hair porosity. 

For those with high porosity hair, you’ll want to use products like hot oil treatments and hair care products containing ingredients like apple cider vinegar and castor oil.

If you have low porosity hair, ingredients like aloe vera and sweet almond oil (plus other lightweight oils) can be most beneficial.

All curly hair types can benefit from avoiding things like parabens, silicones and sulfates (except in the case of needing a clarifying from time to time).

RevAir Extreme Hydration Hair Collection

revair extreme hydration collection

When looking for hair products to care for my mostly low porosity fine natural hair, I am careful to use those products that will keep dry hair at bay. The first time I use a cleanser, I’m careful to do so on soaking wet hair.

Due to the nature of low porosity hair, it’s resistant to receiving moisture. This is why I was so happy when I received the promotional box containing RevAir’s new Extreme Hydration Hair Collection. Each product in the line is designed to hydrate, replenish, nourish and detangle all hair types and curl types.

The Extreme Hydration line consists of 5 hair care products:

  • Detox Pre-Wash Rinse
  • Cleansing Oil Shampoo
  • Deep Conditioning Treatment
  • Hydrating Leave-in Conditioning Spray
  • Hair and Scalp Oil

The key ingredients in this line are coconut water, hyaluronic acid and olive leaf extract. Plus, the detox rinse contains Apple Cider Vinegar which further helps to strengthen the hair and balance pH.

A Two-Step Cleanse

The Detox Pre-Wash Rinse and the Cleansing Oil Shampoo are created to work with one another in a two step cleansing process. The Detox Pre-Wash Rinse prepares the hair for a complete cleansing by removing product build up, excess dirt and oils. Then, the shampoo gently cleanses the hair, leaving it soft and more manageable.

revair two step cleanser

Plus, Two-Step Conditioning

After “double cleansing,” the next two products in the Extreme Hydration collection are designed to “double condition” your hair by deeply nourishing and conditioning it. First, by way of the Deep Conditioning Treatment which hydrates the hair deep into the hair shaft. Then, the Leave-In Conditioning Spray which is light-weight, moisturizes and softens.

Complete Wash Day Routine for Natural Hair

When using this line, the best way to do so is to saturate your hair strands with warm water. This helps to open the cuticle layer – necessary for low porosity hair.

All hair types need to have an open cuticle on wash day. This step is obviously easier if you have high porosity hair.

In this video I shared what a complete wash day routine for natural hair looks like using RevAir’s Extreme Hydration Hair Care collection:

YouTube video

A summary of the steps include (working in small sections):

  • Saturating hair with warm water
  • Massaging the Detox Pre-Wash Rinse into your hair and scalp. Then, rinse.
  • The next step is to squeeze out excess water and shampoo with the Cleansing Oil Shampoo (If you normally deal with a dry scalp, the cleansing oil shampoo will help with that.)
  • Once finished rinsing out the shampoo, you can choose to repeat but I find that you don’t need to if you’ve used the pre-wash.
  • Squeeze out excess water and apply the deep conditioner throughout hair
  • Allow the deep conditioner to sit in your hair for at least 20 minutes (per instructions). I like to do so for 30-45 minutes.
  • After rinsing, towel dry your hair with a microfibre towel or an old t-shirt.
  • Apply the Leave-in Conditioning Spray to the section to be blown out (optional) unless you plan to do a twist out or other style where your hair is in its natural state.
  • Seal the section of hair with a small amount of RevAir’s Hair and Scalp Oil

Note: I finger detangled combined with using a wide tooth comb while rinsing out the pre-wash. I find that this product contains so much slip, it’s easy to detangle during this step of wash day.

These products not only clean and deeply nourish the hair. When wash day is over you are left with a clean scalp and super hydrated hair. The best part is after a full day of caring for your hair with these products, there is no stripping your hair of its natural oils.

Wash Routine Hair Tools

wash day hair tools

Lastly, to make a wash day routine for natural hair more productive, I like to make sure I have these hair tools on hand at the ready. Nothing extends the length of wash day like a lack of preparation.

You may choose to use different items but here are the basics:

  • Microfibre
  • Wide-tooth comb
  • Plastic cap (1 or 2 depending on the length of your hair or the size of your head LOL)
  • Sectioning or hair clips
  • Spray bottle

Final Thoughts

If there’s one final thought I can provide you with it’s to always prioritize the care of your hair with quality hair care products. Just like you should feed your body with quality foods, it’s important to care for your hair (and the rest of your body) externally with quality products.

I’m a firm believer in God’s Word specifying that our body’s are the temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19). Just like He created our hearts and our kidneys and our eye balls, He created our hair. So, it makes sense that we give quality care to our hair just as we would would other parts of our bodies for they are all formed by the Creator.

These Extreme Hydration products from RevAir will provide such a delightful wash day routine for natural hair. They are formulated with qualify, effective ingredients that work well with their reverse air hair dryer (the best hair dryer for curly hair). LINK They are also vegan and cruelty free.

wash day routine for natural hair

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