
10 “Fresh Start” Hair Resolutions to Try

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Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 07:17 pm

fresh start hair resolutions

Got New Year’s hair resolutions that you have already given up on? Understandable. Most people don’t make it pass the second week of January before their resolutions have gone to smithereens. And here we are in the second month of the year.

The word resolution actually feels more like a dirty word. Why?

It’s because it’s more often than not a set up for disappointment and even failure. Especially, when you resolve to do things that require a bit of time commitment. Things like losing 50 pounds or improving the health of your fine natural hair.

OK one is probably much harder to do than the other but you get the picture.

Hair Resolutions: Little Changes, Big Impact

Getting rid of the entire notion of making big changes just because it’s a new year, let’s actually look at some practical hair resolutions to get your fine natural hair in check for the new year. Let’s just call it changes to make in the new year for fresh hair!

These are the best new year hair care “resolutions” for curly hair because they are practical and actually can help improve your hair anytime you decide to implement them. It’s not really about making resolutions. It’s about making small changes.

new years hair resolutions

1. Outline your hair goals

Make a list of the hair goals you’d like to work on and focus on only one or two of them. Then, research ways to reach your focused hair goals.

Trying to work on more than one hair goal at a time can be a recipe for failure because it can create overwhelm and lack of focus.

However, when you resolve to focus on just one or two goals, you are more apt to hit them.

2. Prioritize Deep Conditioning

Promise yourself (with a little room for grace) that you will deep condition your hair on every single wash day.

If you do just starting doing just this one thing, you’ll see improvement. Check out The Power of Doing Just One Thing.

3. Ditch Those Loser Products

Get rid of hair products that don’t serve you well. Give them away, throw them away or repurpose them (ex: shampoo to clean makeup brushes) but don’t use products in your hair just because you spent money on them.

Then, resolve to only use quality products with quality ingredients.

4. Make a Regimen Change

Try a new hair care regimen. Sometimes to see real change, you need to do a complete overhaul.

It could be that you need to try some new hair routines for a given period of time. 3 months is a good amount of time to see real change.

Simple enough. Sometimes you need to do things completely differently.

5. Tweak it

Re-evaluate your existing hair care routine, looking for ways to improve it or become more consistent.

6. Hands Off

Make an effort to keep your hands out of your hair.

Touch it when you need to wash it and style it but leave it alone throughout the week. You’ll reduce a lot of “wear and tear” on your strands if you just keep your hands out of it.

Resolving to only touch your hair as needed will help you to retain more length because you’ll be cutting down the wear and tear that occurs from handling your hair too often.

7. Attend to your Ends

Practice examining your ends on wash day. If you need to trim out a knot or split, do it but don’t hang on to damaged hair for the sake of length.

Make a hair resolution to trim your hair as soon as you notice that it needs it. Some signs include:

  • obvious splits
  • see through ends
  • excessive tangling

Check out: Signs Curly Hair Needs a Trim.

fresh start hair resolutions

8. Stimulate Blood Flow

End your day with a good scalp massage to get the healthy blood flow going. You’ll go to sleep more relaxed and will treating improve the circulation in your scalp, giving way to a healthier growing head of hair.

If you desire to grow your hair a bit longer, this is a good practice to focus on.

9. Daily Moisturizing

Moisturize your hair each morning (or night). This is a protective practice that will prevent your hair from experiencing dryness. Dry hair leads to breaking hair.

Sometimes you’ll find that you need to follow a full moisture routine. At other times, you’ll just need a bit of a spritz. Go by how your hair feels.

When you resolve to moisturize your hair regularly, you’ll see improvement. You may not need daily moisturizing but perhaps 3-4 days a week is sufficient.

10. Consistency is Key

Stick to your hair routine.

If you know that using a cleansing conditioner over a shampoo works best for cleaning your hair on most days, do that. You don’t have to use shampoo to clean your hair. Yes, you may need to clarify from time to time but stick with the hair routine that works best for you.

If none of these resonates with you, then try to find something that does.

Focus on the fact that hair resolutions (or fresh starts, if you must), are about making subtle changes that lead you to your ultimate goal. And as always, consistency is key for your fine natural hair (any hair, really) to be great.

New Year New Hair Quotes

And because everything in life shouldn’t be so serious, here are a few funny New Year New Hair Quotes that will not only inspire you. They’ll put a smile on your face.

new year hair focus

“For my new year’s hair resolutions, I’m just going to let someone else do it for me. After all, who cares if they detangle roughly, cut instead of trim or use ingredients I’d never use myself? I’m lazy”

new year new hair

“New hair resolutions? I’m thinking of all the ways my hair can resolve it’s own issues”

hair resolutions for new years

“Nw year new hair? Who needs hair resolutions when your hair is already perfect? Okurrrr!”

new year hair quotes

3 New Year New Hair Thoughts:

  1. Do Your Hair
  2. Love Your Hair
  3. Be Fierce in Spite of Your Hair

When it’s all said and done, simply love the hair you were born into this world with. It’s a gift from the Creator and He makes no mistakes.

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  1. Edris Thompson says:

    Thank you so much Michelle for winter treatment I will follow with my fine hair not growing do not know what to do i started to use Ominira Naturals April until now some times NY hair is still dry how do I use henna to cover my grey and which henna I should use I don’t line the red I want it to be black thank you

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