Reboot Your Hair in 6 Steps: Step 1 – Review Your Hair Products

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Last updated on November 10th, 2023 at 06:50 am

Sometimes you feel led to start your hair care journey over from scratch (ex: big chop). Rebooting your natural hair products is the first step in the process.

natural hair products
Only available from manufacturers websites

Your hair looks dull.

It’s not holding a style well.

Either of these scenarios are actually symptoms of your hair not being in the best condition that it can be. This is cause for action – rebooting your hair.

Whatever your necessity or reason for rebooting your hair, you’ll be most successful by following a formula, method or steps.

Review Your Hair Products – Start Here

Since the crux of how we all care for our hair is based on the products we use, let’s start there.

You may think it starts with doing a cut or other type of “treatment” to you hair but what happens after you’ve cut the hair? What do you use to condition it? moisturize it? Exactly.

That’s why we are going to start with products, but not in the way you may think.

You’re not going to go out and purchase all new products. At least, not yet.

First, you are going to go through the products you already have. You may already know what works for your hair. Yet, if any products fall into either of the following categories, get rid of them:

  • Expired
  • Doesn’t play well with other hair products. An example would be if a gel performs fine on it’s own but doesn’t mix well with your leave in conditioners.

Restock What Your Hair Loves

Then, if you are aware of hair products that your hair loves but they are either expired or nearly depleted from your stash, re-stock them.

When it comes time for you to cleanse, condition and style your hair, you’ll be prepared with the products you need to accomplish the tasks.

If you’re not quite sure what works for your hair type, keep a hair journal. This way, you can test out hair products (one type at a time).

Keeping a journal helps you to easily see what works and what doesn’t, thereby eliminating many of the trials and errors that come with learning your hair.

curly fine natural hair

As a natural of over 12+ years getting to know her hair, I have come across certain hair products that are formulated to work well for fine natural hair. Not all products work for all hair types but allow me to share my recommendations. If your hair is anything like mine, they may work for you too.

My Top 5 Natural Hair Products on Amazon

While products that are manufactured in a lab somewhere may work for achieving certain hairstyles, I’m a firm believer that natural hair products are best. Likewise, this is true for your health.

Importantly, products that are heavily laden with chemicals can cause more harm than good.  When you opt to use all natural or mostly natural products, you eliminate or greatly reduce exposure to toxicity.

Here are some natural hair products I love (natural and almost all natural).

GIOVANNI Smooth As Silk Dee...Shop on Amazon The Mane Choice Tropical Mo...Shop on Amazon Godrej Nupur Henna Mehndi, ...Shop on Amazon

Rebooting your natural hair products helps you really hone in on the products that are best for your hair type. Above all, you won’t waste money on hair products that are useless for your hair.

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