Stretching Natural Hair without Heat Using SSS Plates
Last updated on May 27th, 2023 at 04:58 pm
If your hair is very kinky, you’ll find that if you keep it in a more stretched state, tangles will be greatly minimized. The key is to stretch natural hair without using heat.
On the other hand, when you stretch your hair regularly you put it at risk for breakage, especially if it’s fine hair already prone to breakage due to its fragile nature.
So, while I don’t recommend stretching kinky hair all of the time, it’s a good option to stretch natural hair without heat when you want to wear an elongated hair style and sport a little length.
About a year ago, I purchased those hair stretching plates you may have seen on Instagram. They are called the SSS Plates and they are from @CWKGirls (their name on Instagram).
I’ve only used these stretching plates a couple of times on my hair and the very first time I didn’t let my hair all the way. The second time, I did and got excellent results.
Check out this video:
These plates can be a little heavy when you install them. That’s why I recommend leaving a little room at the scalp so that they aren’t too tight. Plus, be prepared for a lengthy drying session if you don’t sit under a dryer. I’ve eliminated unnecessary use of heat from my hair care routine so I opted to air dry. 5 hours later…
As you can see from the video, I got a nice stretch and I used my stretched hair as a base to do a bantu knot out. Initially I was going to do a twist out but I decided to give the bantu knot out a try since I can only do it on stretched hair. Results were fabulous.
Who knows when I’ll stretch my fine natural hair without heat again!
UPDATE: I now stretch my hair using the best blow dryer for black natural hair.
Have you previously heard of the CWK Girls SSS Plates?
If not, no worries. It seems they are now defunct.
2023 UPDATE ON CWK GIRLS: Looks like they are not selling variations of their heatless hair stretching plates here.
How can I purchase the hair stretching tool kit? Your site is no longer up for purchasing
Hello, it’s not my site. However, there is a link to the new site that sells them at the bottom of this article
Wow! You are seriously inspiring me to get myself a set of these CWKGirls SSS plates! I love how your bantu knot out came out! #soGORGEOUS #slaaaaaay lol 😀
lol thank you. They do give a good stretch but if I’m honest, you can get just as stretched with a rod set.
Very lovely! I have yet to try mine…I definitely should!
they yield great results but definitely time consuming without heat!
Those curls are beautiful, Michelle! I think the first time I saw the SSS plates was over at Relaxed Thairapy. I considered getting some for my daughter, but she rarely wears her hair straight these days.
Looks like you had awesome results. And your hair is so long and healthy! Man, shrinkage is a trip.
Thanks girl! I’m being super careful with my hair. It’s finally getting down to the next level. It doesn’t seem to grow as fast as most people but I’ll take what I can get!
I need to check out Relaxed hair therapy….even though I’m not relaxed lol