Low Maintenance Hair Care While in Isolation

Last updated on July 1st, 2020 at 09:54 am

Isolation Hair Care = Low Maintenance + Low Manipulation

We are about a good three months in now. Isolation or Mandatory quarantine.

Whatever state you find yourself in during this coronavirus pandemic (and I hope you are well or getting well), your hair is something you still need to deal with.

Isolation Hair Care is Important Too

Of course, a topic such as isolation hair care can seem really mundane with everything that’s going on in the world. Yet, it still needs to be addressed. Especially, if you intend to have any hair left once the pandemic is over (let’s pray it’s soon).

While caring for your natural hair may not be at the top of your list, doing some basic maintenance and paying some attention to your hair will keep it healthy. Here’s a list of hair practices you can do to keep it all very low maintenance and most cases low manipulation.

Scalp massages

With very little effort at all, performing a massage on your scalp a few times per week helps to keep the blood flowing and your scalp stimulated. This is a very beneficial practice to create a healthy environment for growth.

Keep the Ends Moisturized

You’ve heard it said before. The ends are the oldest part of your hair. They require more care, especially in the form of moisture since they are the most exposed to your clothing. Plus, if you are keeping your hair in braids or twists, the ends can get very dry and even tangled if not kept moisturized.

A great way to keep your hair moisturized (and add a bit of strength) is with hair spritzes and teas. More on these below.

Isolation Hair Care Practices Keep Hair Protected

Staying indoors all the time isn’t always fun. If you’re like me, you may even lay around more than usual….you know; watching tv, reading and such. 

Keeping your hair in a protective style or in a style that protects your strands from tangling, is the greatest thing you can do while in isolation or quarantine. I’ve had my hair in braids for about 6 weeks. I moisturize the ends a few times a week and massage my scalp. They may not look fancy but at least my hair is protected from breakage. I’m alternating doing braids and twists every 3 to 4 wash days.

Wash in Braids or Twists

Speaking of wearing your natural hair in braids or twists (again, the best hairstyles to keep things low maintenance), washing your hair in them is also good for keeping manipulation down. You won’t have to worry about doing too much in the way of detangling while your hair is in these hairstyles. I wash my hair in the braids or twists every week and after two weeks I take out two at a time and combine them. I talk about it in the video below:

Low Manipulation Hair Care While in Isolation – Video

YouTube video

Ditch loose hairstyles

After I just recommended you keep your hair in braids or twists, this one is a given. Loose hairstyles right now are just too much to maintain. I’m not saying you should never do a wash and go. It may make you feel better to do something different. I’m saying that for the majority of time you are in isolation, curls are not it. That is, if you want to keep your hair care low maintenance.

But Still…

Be sure to take at least one day every two weeks to give your hair the royal treatment. Even though you’re keeping things low maintenance while at home due to the pandemic, you don’t want to neglect crown. Give it a good deep conditioning and strengthening treatment if needed.

Isolation hair care may be based in low maintenance hair practices but it’s certainly not failing to maintain.

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