Tips on Setting Fine Natural Hair With Gel
Last updated on October 19th, 2020 at 02:59 pm
Need to know info for using gel on fine hair.
When the humidity is in full effect all over the North East, natural girls have to figure out a way to keep hair from turning into the lion’s mane (not that that’s a bad thing. It can be a good look, depending on what you’re going for.).
The summer months are a great time to embrace the wash and go and if you are doing wash and go’s at this time, you will want need to use some form of gel to prevent frizz from taking over.
Popular gels like EcoStyler can be a bit heavy for fine natural hair. That’s because most of their gels are a level 10 hold. However, there’s one gel that’s a level 8 that I’m currently LOVING. It’s the pink EcoStyler Gel for Curls and Waves. If you’ve read any of my recent wash day chronicles, you know how much I love this gel!
The pink EcoStyler Curl and Wave Styling Gel has just the amount of hold for fine natural hair. It protects from frizz but doesn’t leave the hair looking piece-y and stringy (not a good look).
Using Gel on Fine Hair: Alternatives to EcoStyler
If you are more of an au naturale curly girl, there are other gels that don’t weigh down fine natural hair and are all natural. They make using gel on fine hair very pleasurable.
Using Flaxseed Gel
Flaxseed Gel is famous for defining natural curls. Extracted from the goodness of flax seeds, this gel is very lightweight and offers just the right amount of hold for fine haired curlies.
My only qualm is it’s texture. It reminds me of snot! LOL If you can get past that, you are good. You also have to keep it refrigerated and use within about 2 weeks so it doesn’t spoil.
Flaxseed gel is very simple to make and you’ll find numerous recipes all over the web. Here’s a flaxseed gel recipe that’s got enticing photos to boot.
Using Aloe Vera Gel
Extracted directed from the leaf of the aloe plant, aloe vera gel is just a bit thicker (and less slimy) than flaxseed gel. You can find pure 100% aloe vera gel at stores like Whole Foods. I particularly like the whole leaf aloe vera gel by lily of the desert.
I used to use aloe vera gel with my Greenhouse Effect routine.I t’s very effective at hydrating the hair while providing a nice light hold. If you prefer to make your own, here’s a great tutorial.
Regardless to which type of gel, during the humid months when the dew point is through the roof, you’ll want to keep a supply on hand.
I’ve shared in the past how using gels on fine hair need to be complimentary to this hair type EcoStyler is the cheapest but unlike the flax seed and aloe vera gels, you’ll have to scrunch out the crunchy hold once your hair is dry.