12 Facts About Fine Natural Hair
Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 08:22 pm
Fine natural hair is often misunderstood. In fact, fine hair in general is typically misunderstood. Let’s clear some things up with these twelve fine natural hair facts.
#1 Fine Curly Natural Hair is God Given
Contrary to popular belief, naturally fine curly hair is not some forgotten hair type that’s less than or not as good as other hair types. God made it and it’s beautiful. It all depends on how well you care for it.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14
#2 It’s Not Thin Hair
Yes, you can have thin fine hair but many ladies with fine hair have a head full of it. Don’t confuse fine hair with thin hair. The circumference of a single strand determines if it’s fine but not thin. The number of hairs on a person’s head determines if it’s thin. This is what’s known as density.
This is fine natural hair with medium density. If it were fine thin hair, you’d see the scalp a LOT. Each individual hair is fine but there’s enough strands on the scalp to cancel out the overall head of hair being thin.
#3 Naturally Fine Curly Hair is Very Delicate
Natural hair is basically curly hair. There’s different degrees of curls. Some classify the curl type by Andre Walker’s hair typing system. Yet, natural hair falls into one of three buckets: Wavy, Curly, Kinky.
When your curls are fine, they are very delicate. That’s because unlike heavier strands of hair, it’s lacking the medulla which is the inner part of the hair that give it more bulk.
#4 It is prone to frizz even when moisturized
Fine natural hair easily frizzes up. Typically frizz is an indicator that your hair is dry. This is not always the case with fine curly strands. These lightweight strands tend to lift much easier. The products you use and how you handle your hair can help with some of the “taming.”
Also, when you have hairs growing in as part of the next growth cycle, those fine hairs tend to look like a halo of frizz in the crown section of your hair. Keep that area moisturized but also consider using an alcohol free gel and/or hair butter to add weight to the hairs to smooth them down.
#5 Fine natural hair loves protein
While there are various types of protein and you need to test out which proteins your hair likes best, you’ll discover that your hair will love it when you begin incorporating it into your hair regimen regularly
#6 It can grow very long
There’s no limit on the amount of length one with fine natural curls can grow to. If anything, that limit is the product of a genetically determined terminal length (not based on the fineness of the strands) and how the hair is cared for over long periods of time. Look at where this lady accomplished with her hair in just four years
#7 Can style well with hair butters
Yes, you should avoid using heavy styling products like shea butter on your hair if it’s fine because it can weight it down but there’s ways to work around using them so that your hair can style well.
Check out this article: How to Use Shea Butter on fine Hair
#8 Fine natural hair can be voluminous
If you have fine strands but a high level of density, your curls will naturally appear voluminous. If you have less density, shape your curls with a cut like the DevaCut. It will allow your hair to appear more voluminous.
#9 It locs easily
Unless you’re looking to create locs on your fine natural hair, it’s best to keep your strands free of tangling and twisting for long periods of time. Due to the fineness of your strands, they will naturally loc on each other if not attended to properly.
#10 Styles very easily
You can easily mold fine natural hair into a style, although it can be resistant to holding the style. Some styles may be challenging if there’s a lack of density. However, you can very easily do your hair in simple styles like twists and roller sets.
#11 It can be thickened
While not permanently, you can thicken fine natural hair with herbs like henna and cassia. These herbs add “weight” to the hair, giving it the appearance of thicker strands. Herbal hair care is worth it for long haul to continue boosting your hair’s thickness if even temporarily.
#12 Fine natural hair is more protected when clumped together
This is the last of the fine natural hair facts but it’s one to pay attention to.
You’ve heard the saying, “there’s safety in numbers.” That holds true for fine natural hair as well. When all of your fine hairs clump together and form a thicker curl unit, there’s less of a chance of breakage. Clumping is a great thing and you can easily achieve it with the wash and go hairstyle.
I hope these fine natural hair facts have shed some light on the fine hair type. It’s amazing the misinformation that’s out there about this hair type.
See this article: Preventing Breakage in Fine Natural Hair by Clumping Curls