Fine Hair Approved Stylers to Set Your Twists and Defy Shrinkage
Last updated on June 30th, 2017 at 11:06 pm
Twists are a staple style in most natural ladies hair regimen. They are pretty effortless to do and can be either a low manipulation or protective style. As far as creams and light butters go, here’s what I’ve discovered works well for setting twists on fine natural hair, while coincidentally defying shrinkage:
Camille Rose Naturals Fresh Curl
Rich in avocado oil, Fresh Curl from Camille Rose Naturals is very hydrating and nourishing to parched strands. A small amount goes a very long way and when you set your twists with this product you’ll find that they are smooth (thanks to avocyado’s cuticle layering properties) and don’t begin to shrink up very much.
Mane Choice Tropical Moringa Sealing Cream
Typically, I use this with the Tropical Moringa Daily Moisture spray (and you can), but even used alone, it will seal your hair’s cuticles and allow you to manipulate your hair while adding moisture without a lot of shrinkage. You only need a small amount per twist.
Mane Choice 24 Karat Gold Twisting Gel
Best soft set holding gel that I’ve ever used hands down! It smooths frizz and also prevents some of the shrinkage you would get when setting your twists wet.
This is a super new product on the market. It’s available at some Sally’s Beauty Supply Stores.
Kinky Kashmere Betta Butta
This hair butter is great all by it’s lonesome at hydrating and setting your twists. When it’s time to release the twist, you’ll get the best soft set twist out. It’s even better when your twists are done on dry stretched hair.
If you want a little more hold from a gel, the gel that I recommend is:
Aunt Jackie’s Curls & Coils Don’t Shrink Flaxseed Elongating Curling Gel – I received samples of this at an event and it was great at reducing the amount of shrinkage in a wash and go. Being that you are twisting, the results should still be that of less shrinkage.
You may have been thinking I would have recommended anti-shrinkage products like Dark and Lovely’s Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage line. That’s a no mam for me. Dark and Lovely is just one of those brands that no matter how they try and appear like they cater to natural hair, they were always about pushing relaxers. Plus, their products are filled with lots of chemicals. They may work for defying shrinkage but I just can’t co-sign them. My one time allowing them into my hair dried it out so…
Stay tuned where I share the best methods for stretching fine natural hair while in twists OR to prep for twists.
Any suggestions for bald edges?
Can’t really say because i’m not sure exactly what suggestions you are asking for? regrowth? styling? if regrowth, it depends on if the hair follicles are still alive.
Hmmn I want to purchase one but I’m not sure wich one
Which one will give me the most SHINE?
& What about the scent ?? I love every thing smells shampoo /soap/ laundry like.
The products I recommend are mostly fruity scents. You have to test out products to get Shine. Honestly, shine is aobut your hair’s cuticles laying flat and then there’s always oil but that can just weigh the hair down if you use too much
Hi Michelle i tried some-stuff but i cannot get a good twist out my hair is very fine what should i do
thank you,
Well definitely stay away from gel based products and no oil. Try a product like a moussee or a light weight cream. And put small perm rods on the ends to create a more uniformed curl