So,This Happened…The Birth of Denser Curls

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 07:55 pm

Thicken fine hair naturally…Volumized, Thicker and stronger

thicken fine hair naturally

I shared the above pic (over on the Instagram contrasting it with this one…

curls are poppin'

Length used to be my goal. I was so focused on it and while having longer hair is still a goal of mine, having denser curls that are volumized is more of a goal. I truly believe what the Bible says about a woman’s hair being her crown and glory:

But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
1 Corinthians 11:15 [tweetthis display_mode=”button_link”]But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. 1 Corinthians 11:15[/tweetthis]

And, because I believe that I also believe that it’s God’s will for you to have the hair you desire.

It honors Him when we are at our best. That includes our spiritual best and our best physical selves, which includes hair. Just don’t be obsessed about it. Do what you can, trust Him to do the rest and just get on with life. The results will come. You may not have the hair of your dreams today but you can. Now, let’s make it practical by discussing some ways to thicken fine hair naturally.

Volume and Hairstyles

Those of us with fine hair and less than the desired amounts of density, may have difficulty with hair tyles looking voluminous.

The hair tends to fall flat and often appears stringy (as you can see in the second photo above). That’s why when you are seeking increased density and thicker strands, you have to be consistent with practices that volumize fine hair. If I and others can achieve visible improvement, so can you.

So, back to the ‘gram.

Hair Growth and Thickness

When, I posted the comparison photos, I did a little micro-blogging under the shots sharing how while you can’t see a huge difference in length from January to now (because of the massive shrinkage) and my head being down in the January shot (making it appear longer)  it’s actually quite a bit longer.

The photo from January was right after a pretty big chop & even with stretching, it only came to just around my collar bone.

More dramatic than the length though, is the density or rather thickness of my hair strands. The top crown area hasn’t changed much but the sides and front are filling in quite a bit.

How I Thickened My Hair Naturally

The results that are seen are from which I attribute to the following:

– Scalp messages every other day
– Regular use of herbs (while massaging) and protein treatments
– Absolutely NO direct heat styling (this can harm fine hair)

Supplements Aren’t Always Needed

I did try two brands of hair vitamins (each for at least 2-3 months) but didn’t notice any significant changes in the rate of hair growth occurring. So, I stopped consuming the vitamins about a month ago. I think my body gets all it needs from food at this time.

Vitamins are really only beneficial if your body is experiencing a deficiency. Otherwise, you’ll just be shooting out very expensive pee. OK that sounded way more disgusting than I meant for it to be.

Moving along, if you’re seeking to give your hair a boost in the volume department so that you’ll see an improvement in density and thickness, check out these related posts:

Scalp Massage Benefits & Tips for Fine Hair

Dealing with Thinning Hair the Natural Way

 Simple Indian Herbal Hair Care

DIY Goat’s Milk Conditioning Hair Mask

Those posts share with you my personal methods fro thicker curls and how I’m thickening my fine hair naturally. The key is consistency.

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