
Reviewing the Express Guide to Healthy Fine Natural Hair

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 08:13 pm

A while back I published a video called, “The Express Guide to Healthy Fine Natural Hair.” You’ll find the video below.

healthy fine natural hair
end of 2016 before my big haircut in Jan 2017

In the video, I provide the most important pointers for getting your fine hair to a healthy state.

In this post, I will further examine the points that were made in the video. Start by watching the video here:

YouTube video

Now, let’s examine the points.

Guide to Healthy Fine Natural Hair Points

Scalp Care

As I mentioned in the video, having a healthy scalp is the basis for healthy hair. This, is regardless of the type of hair you have. It’s just the start.

Using a Scalp Scrub

The best thing you can do for your scalp is to keep it clean and clear of anything that will clog your hair follicles. This can be accomplished with a periodic scalp scrub. Follow the manufacturers instructions on how often.

You can also opt to DIY your scalp scrub with a few basic ingredients:

  • jojoba oil (1/4 cup)
  • finely ground sugar (3/4 cup)
  • peppermint essential oil (5 drops)
  • organic honey (2 tablespoons)

Here’s another simple recipe to clarify your scalp.

If DIY-ing your scalp scrub, it’s not recommended to do so more than once a month unless you have super oily hair. This isn’t typically an issue for those of us with natural hair.

Stimulating your scalp

Aside from keeping your scalp clean and fresh, another way to provide your scalp with healthy care is to stimulate the blood flow. This can be accomplished by simply massaging your scalp from every night to a few nights per week.

While it’s not required that you use any type of product to stimulate your scalp, you increase the efficacy of the massage by using a natural oil or oil blend.

For example, you can use a single natural oil like Jojoba or Sweet Almond oil. Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil, peppermint essential oil and some tea tree oil.

Check out: The Scalp Massage: Secret to a Stimulated Scalp

Developing a Hair Regimen

Just like with anything you want to be good at, you need to work on it. Routines and regimens help with that.

As it relates to having healthy fine natural hair, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Porosity – the level at which your hair absorbs and retains moisture
  • Density – The amount of hairs on a given head of hair (these hairs can be fine but if you have a lot of them, for example you will be considered to have high density fine hair)
  • Hair Products formulated with specific ingredients for your hair’s needs
  • Knowing when to wash, condition and use special treatments and what to use to do accomplish these tasks

It may take you some time to develop the best hair regimen for your hair but this is a critical component to having healthy fine natural hair.

In order to keep track of what you are doing so that you can work through the process of trail and error more expeditiously, consider using a natural hair journal. This hair journal will help you plan and track out your entire hair care routine.

Moisture/Protein Balance

Protein in your diet is essential because healthy hair is supported by proper nutrition. It’s also a good practice to incorporate topical protein treatments into your routine.

As I mentioned in the video, fine hair is fragile. It’s the most fragile hair type.

Protein helps support the structure of fine hair. There are many protein treatment products available on the market. However, heavy duty treatments like those from Aphogee Hair Products should be reserved for times when you notice your hair is breaking.

Otherwise, light maintenance treatments should be sufficient if you aren’t doing anything to damage your fine strands to begin with.

Equally important to protein is moisture. That’s why you need a balance. Too much protein and your hair is hard and can break. Too much moisture and your hair has no flexibility and becomes prone to breaking.

Here are some helpful articles:

The Shocking Truth About Protein and Hair

Moisture 101 Guide

Trim When Necessary

Unless you are wanting to keep your hair completely even, it’s not necessary to trim your hair on some set schedule. There are many that disagree but if you take into consideration these factors, you may see it my way:

  • Hairs grow at different rates on your head
  • Curly hair does not look best when it’s even (Curly = natural unless processed)
  • Split ends aren’t always the result of doing something harmful to your hair. It’s also part of the normal wear and tear of your hair. Especially, fine hair.
  • A single split will not travel all the way up the hair shaft. It will break off before then, thinning out the individual strand.

When you take into account these factors, trimming your hair only when necessary is a good “rule” of thumb. So, when is it necessary to trim?

  • When your hair is getting difficult to detangle (The split hairs are tangling up on even healthy hairs)
  • You’re getting singe strand knots
  • Your ends look sparse and are thinning out

Other than these three reasons, trimming your hair on a regular basis only causes you to cut perfectly healthy strands.

Limit The Use of Heat

It’s no secret that heat styling is no good for your hair. Those with heftier strands may be able to get away with doing so more often. Yet, for those of us with fine hair, it can be detrimental. At the very least, the use of heat on a regular basis weakens the hair.

Use heat styling tools like blow dryers, flat irons, curling irons, crimping irons etc with caution and infrequently.

If you find that your hair is negatively affected after even one use of heat, put it down. I also recommend that give your hair a good dose of protein balanced with moisture afterwards.

Eliminate Chemicals

Chemicals are used for many hair care services. These include:

  • Straightening (relaxing)
  • Perming (to create curls on straight hair)
  • Coloring

Basically, chemicals are used to force your hair to behave or appear differently than the way God created it.

Now, I don’t presume to tell anyone what to do with their hair. Choosing to chemically treat your hair is a personal decision. Just know that, there’s consequences.

I remember coloring my hair when relaxed (bad move since the relaxer also contained chemicals). No matter how much I deep conditioned and used strengthening treatments, my hair broke off. I just had to ride it out.

Two popular YouTubers with healthy thicker hair (Naptural85 and Jewellianna Palencia) colored their natural hair. The result? Breakage.

The net net of it all? If you want healthy fine natural hair, stay away from the chemicals. They are not good for your hair. Periodt! (yep I spelled it that way on purpose)

In summation

I hope you found this in depth review of the video guide to having a healthy head of fine natural hair helpful. I created this to help you hone in the most important aspects of hair care.

healthy fine hair natural

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