
The Tea on Spearmint Oil for Hair Growth: 7 Essential Benefits

Last updated on May 27th, 2023 at 04:34 pm

With all the methods of hair growth and combatting hair loss available, there’s a little known gem that most people are unaware of. That is using spearmint oil for hair.

spearmint oil for hair
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Below you’ll discover the benefits of using spearmint essential oil for your hair, scalp conditions and more.

The purpose of this article is to share how you can incorporate spearmint essential oil for external use to help your hair to thrive so it can grow.

7 Benefits of Using Spearmint Oil for Your Hair

Spearmint oil is much like peppermint oil in its benefits for healthier hair. A key difference is spearmint’s scent isn’t as strong as that of peppermint. So, you may find it more pleasant to use if the strong menthol scent bothers your nose.

Most people only know about using peppermint oil for hair care or coconut oil for curly hair. Oils like peppermint and coconut are just more widely used.

However, if you want to try an alternative to peppermint oil, spearmint oil is it and it’s just as beneficial for your hair.

Here are the top seven benefits:

1. Stimulates blood flow in the scalp

Spearmint oil is so invigorating. When used in your hair and scalp, you’ll notice a cooling sensation. This cool feeling is a topical experience that takes place as blood circulation is increased in the hair follicles of the scalp.

When you stimulate blood flow, you promote hair growth.

2. Soothes the scalp

The invigorating feeling you get from applying spearmint oil to your scalp makes it an effective treatment for itching and dry scalp.

3. Spearmint oil reduces hair fall

Due to the presence of limonene in spearmint essential oil, hair shedding is reduced. Limonene reduces the viral and inflammatory effects that lead to hair loss.

Limonene is typically found in the rind of citrus fruits but it’s also in certain trees and plants.

4. Antifungal

That significant amount of limonene is beneficial to spearmint oil for hair by helping to prevent fungal growth in the scalp.

5. Anti-bacterial

The antibacterial properties of the spearmint plant also help it to naturally defy certain bacteria. The mint species of plants have an antibacterial nature in general. They offer antibacterial coverage against a wide range of microorganisms.

This is good news for your scalp which can be prone to harmful bacteria, especially if you do hair practices like the overnight baggy method.

6. It’s anti-inflammatory

If you have scalp problems that cause inflammation, you’ll find that spearmint oil will help to calm and alleviate the symptoms.

This could also be due to the high amount of limonene which is shown to reduce inflammation.

7. Spearmint essential oil has anti-septic properties

Another good property to help your scalp to thrive. When you have a healthy scalp, healthy hair can grow.

The result of each of these benefits is healthy growing hair.

spearmint essential oil

Aside from spearmint oil being good for your hair, it has a number of benefits for your health too. It’s been shown to help with hormone imbalances, settling an upset stone and helping with digestion.

Things to Know Before Using Spearmint Essential Oil for Hair

First and foremost, as with the use of all essential oils, if you are pregnant or have a health condition, check with your physician before use.

Always do a skin patch test before using on your entire head. You want to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction. You can have allergies to just about anything, include natural essential oils. 

If you go the DIY route of creating your own hair products with spearmint oil, be sure to store your mixture in a dark amber container in a cool dark place. This will protect the properties of the oil.

Now that we’ve gotten past some important pointers, below you will read about what to use spearmint essential oil for, specifically the types of products you can you use in your hair regimen.

spearmint essential oil for hair

How to Create a Hair Routine Using Spearmint Oil

Spearmint oil can be used in virtual any hair type to grow healthy hair. This includes fine hair and coarse hair.

Whenever you use an essential oil topically, you need to dilute it by mixing it with a carrier oil like olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil or argan oil. Otherwise, you may experience skin irritations. This is especially important if you have sensitive skin. 

A little goes a long way when using spearmint oil for hair. A good rule of thumb when mixing up essential oils with a carrier oil is 5 drops of essential oil to 3 tablespoons of carrier oil. 

If you want to create a targeted hair care routine using spearmint oil, there are two avenues you can take:

  • Use commercial products infused with spearmint essential oil
  • Create your own DIY hair products in which you add spearmint oil to the products

Spearmint Oil DIY Hair Products

This oil is typically used in personal care products like toothpaste and soaps. Spearmint oil can be used in your hair in a number of ways.

If you fancy creating your own hair products, here are some DIY hair products you can make:

Scalp Treatment

Because spearmint oil is good for calming the scalp and stimulating hair growth, you can create your own scalp treatment with it.

This scalp treatment can be as simple as an oil blend that you massage into your scalp.

A sample 8 ounce recipe that you can easily make to massage your scalp with is:

  • 3/4 cup of organic jojoba seed oil
  • 2 tablespoons (one ounce) of organic sweet almond oil
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil or castor oil
  • 5-10 drops of organic spearmint essential oil

Alternatively, you can break up a spearmint leaf into small pieces and let it infuse your oil for 3-4 weeks. This will create a botanical oil blend that you can use to massage your hair nightly.

Once your spearmint oil is ready, you can also use it as a hot oil treatment. Simply, work the oil throughout your hair, put on a shower cap and let it sit under a heating cap for 30-45 minutes.

diy spearmint oil recipes for hair

Leave-in Treatment

To create a leave in conditioning treatment, try this recipe made with all natural ingredients. It’s best to use organic ingredients if available:

  • 1 tablespoon of a single natural oil (almond, argan, jojoba, grapeseed oil, etc)
  • 1/2 cup of distilled water.
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup of aloe vera gel (optional)
  • 5–7 drops of spearmint essential oil
  • a few drops of vitamin E as a natural preservative (optional)

DIY Hair Mask

An easy way to use spearmint essential oil in your hair is to make 1-2 cups of spearmint tea and use it as the mixture for your DIY hair masks in place of water.

Discover additional templates for creating DIY conditioners shared by Healthline here.

Commercial Hair Products Containing Spearmint Oil

If DIYing isn’t your thing, you can find a few commercially made hair products containing spearmint oil.

Not many though.

Should you find hair products in stores highlighting spearmint oil as an ingredient, just make sure it’s pretty high up on the ingredient list for it to be of any effect.

Doctor Teal’s makes a few hair products containing spearmint and eucalyptus:

Dr. Teal’s Eucalyptus & Spearmint Shampoo

Dr. Teal’s Eucalyptus & Spearmint Conditioner

Intelligent Nutrients makes a shampoo with peppermint and spearmint oil (a very invigorating blend):

Intelligent Nutrients InspiraMint Invigorating Shampoo

Therapeutic Grade Spearmint Essential Oil

MAJESTIC PURE Spearmint Essential Oil, Therapeutic Grade, Pure and Natural Premium Quality Oil

Spearmint Oil Profile

If you’re interested in more information about Spearmint oil below, are some interesting facts about how Spearmint oil is made, how you can DIY extracting the oil from the plant and more.

Spearmint essential oil is an oil that’s typically derived from the Spearmint plant’s leaves by process of steam distillation or hydro distillation. If you grow your own mint leaves, you can do an herbal extraction of the oil using high proof grain alcohol.

Here’s a quick video explaining the process:

YouTube video

Where to Next?

While Spearmint essential oil offer 7 benefits for your hair and scalp, you will also want to check out 7 things you can do every month for optimal hair health.

Also, read this article if you are trying to get to a new level of growth: Growing Black Hair Past Shoulder Length

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  1. Grace Rubaale says:

    This was a wonderful lesson thank you so much for the wonderful information

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