These 5 Hair Care Books Will Change Your Life

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Last updated on November 18th, 2024 at 07:14 pm

There’s an abundance of information on hair care out there. That’s a good thing but can also come with disadvantages. We’ll examine both as we take a look at what I consider to be top hair care books on the market.

top hair care books

Advantages of An Abundance of Hair Care Advice

Before I share with you why I find the following 5 books are top hair care books, let’s quickly look at why it’s a good thing that there’s an abundance of hair care advice out there.

The internet can be a wonderful place. You can learn a lot about hair care. What’s great about that is what works for one may not work for another so you have an abundance of information at your disposal to help you with discovery.

Disadvantages of All The Hair Care Advice

Not everyone knows what they’re talking about. Sometimes people share information in error. That’s because most people sharing advice aren’t professionals. People also tend to share based on just their personal experiences.

Even professionals make mistakes. It’s OK. Some hair practices are common sense. Other hair tips may be out of the realm of what makes sense. That’s why it’s important to do your own research and test things out for yourself.

To Hair and Back: My Journey Toward Self-Love One Strand at a Time by Rhonda Eason

This is a very motivational read. If you are struggling to love your natural hair, this book is for you. It’s less about providing hair tips and more about self discovery. This is Rhonda Eason’s exploration, experiences and historical account of life with her natural hair.

This book really makes you think about the reasonings behind why women don’t embrace their natural hair. It’s not a very long read. Yet, it does help you with mindset. Hence, the reason it’s the first top hair care book mentioned. If you don’t get your mind right, you won’t love your hair in a manner that causes it to thrive.

Available here:

About the Author: Rhonda Eason is a U.S. Air Force veteran. She holds a B.A. in Communication from the University of Tampa.  Her novels include Jaded and Sweet Secrets. She’s from my native town, New York City.

90 Days to Beautiful Hair: 50 Dermatologist-Approved Tips to Un ‘lock’ The Hair of Your Dreams by Dr Crystal Agh

top hair care book

This book is chock full of so many tips from washing to styling. Dr. Agh breaks everything down in such an easy to understand way. Her tips empower you with an abundance of tips on how to take care of your hair.

This book also teaches you what ingredients to look for in your shampoos and conditioners. It also shares a bit on what natural “agents” you should consider using in your hair regimen.

She’s also not an enemy of relaxers and shares the type of relaxer you should use should you choose to use one. Dr. Agh does however, however inform of the side effects because as a doctor she knows that not all patients will opt for embracing their natural hair. Dr. Agh also provides tips for coloring your hair to incur less damage.

Of these 5 top hair books, this one is my favorite as it relates to hair care in general. I may not agree with everything (although most I do) but all the advice is practical and user friendly.

Available here:

About the Author: Crystal Agh, MD FAAD is a board-certified dermatologist and director of both the Hair Loss and Scalp Disease clinic and Ethnic Skin Center at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She developed a personal interest in hair care after personally struggling with her own hare care needs for years. Dr. Agh is the co-author of the textbook “Fundamentals of Ethnic Hair-The Dermatologist’s Perspective”. She has delivered both national and international talks on the importance of hair health in preventing and treating common forms of hair loss in women.

Curls, Curls, Curls: Your Go-To Guide for Rocking Curly Hair – Plus Tutorials for 60 Fabulous Looks by Samantha Harris

top hair care styling book

This is a go to guide for styling curly hair! I share a full review on this book here. Essentially, there’s hairstyles that all hair lengths can do. The way the styles are laid out, there’s step by step instructions on each style along with the difficulty level of each.

Available here:

About the author: Samantha is a full-time hairstyle vlogger and professional make-up artist. Her YouTube channel, Ahfro Baang, This is where I first found her!) features hair care tips and curly hairstyling tutorials (. She has provided curly hairstyling tips to professional salons and now shares her expertise through her online channels to more than 100,000 fans.

If You Love It, It Will Grow: A Guide To Healthy, Beautiful Natural Hair by Dr Phoenyx Austin

healthy natural hair book

My first encounter with Dr Phoenyx was at a natural hair event some years back. She was promoting her book at the time and I purchased it. I’m very glad that I did because the book is written from an every day lady’s point of view.

Dr. Phoenyx starts out sharing her life experience with growing to love her hair. Then, she moves into the things she’s done to achieve long beautiful natural hair as well as some recommendations to help you achieve as well. Her approach is less focused on styling and more focused on supporting your hair’s needs.

Available here:

About the Author: Dr. Phoenyx Austin, M.D. is the founder of DRPHOENYX.COM, creator of Dr. Phoenyx Nutrition & Skincare. She’s also a health/beauty expert and consultant. Dr. Phoenyx has been featured as an on-air health expert on networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and TV One.

Get Your Length! Helping Women with Natural Hair Retain Length by Sais Sharpe

While you will find nothing “new” in this book if you’ve been rocking with your natural hair for a while, you will find this book helpful if you are a new natural. It really helps tone down the “noise” from the natural hair community which tends to be over saturated with “advice”

Available here:

About the author: Growing up Sais always kept a diary and a pen, which naturally led to her writing lyrics and poems. When the author entered college, she chose English as her major. Learning the techniques of writing, Sais knew that writing was something that she was born to do. Sais loves spending time with her family, doing hair, & reading!

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