4 Ways to Honor Christ this Season
Last updated on December 9th, 2023 at 08:24 pm
Easy ways to honor Christ at Christmas
Christmas trees, garland, shopping for presents, and singing Christmas carols.
Drinking hot cocoa by the fire place and having dinner with family.
That’s what most people do for Christmas. Yet while there’s nothing wrong with doing any of those things, they don’t represent the true meaning of Christmas which is Christ.
The True Meaning of Christmas
Christ is the root word of Christmas and He is the reason we should be celebrating the season. Without Jesus Christ, there would be no Christmas.
Jesus gave us an unspeakable gift…the gift of life. True life, eternal spiritual life.
So, while you are enjoying the season by decorating your home and giving/receiving of gifts, let’s not forget why celebrate in the first place.
There’s nothing we could ever do to repay Christ for His awesome sacrifice (dying and rising from the dead to pay the price for our sins), we can give to Him in return to show our gratitude for what He’s done for us.
Honor Christ at Christmas By Doing What He Did
If you truly want to honor Jesus Christ this Christmas season, you can do what He did. No, I don’t mean die. Your death wouldn’t have much of an impact on others…sorry. Your immediate family and friends would care of course.
I’m talking about impact. How can you impact others the way Christ did?
He gave.
You can give in many ways and it will be more impactful than you can imagine because while all of our lives are delivered like seasons. Some people’s winter season come more often and faster than others.
Here’s four ways to honor Christ at Christmas with your giving:
- Give to others without expecting anything in return. Yes, it’s more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35
- Give of your time through volunteering to show the love of God in action. There will come a time when no man (or woman) will be able to work, not the works of the world, nor the work of God. John 9:4
- Give of your money, above your normal church tithe. Give an offering or first fruit. Yet, whatever you do, give from a cheerful heart. God loves when you give from the heart with cheer 2 Corinthians 9:7
- Give of yourself in prayer. We should never cease to pray and we should bring all of our requests to God. This season let your request be for the needs of others. Philippians 4:6-7
May God bless you and your family during this holiday season.
Check out these Bible Verses & Quotes About Stepping Out on Faith.
A big Amen!!! Thanks.