My Go-To Fine Hair Routines

Hair care routines are what make up a good hair regimen. I talk about that more in this post here: Routines to Incorporate Into Your Hair Regimen. In this post I’m sharing with you the tried and true hair care routines that I follow for my fine natural hair.

hair routines for fine hair

Pre-Pooing Before Every Wash

A routine is something that you do again and again at a set time for a particular period of time without even thinking about it.

In other words, it’s something that you do that’s so ingrained in you that you don’t even think twice about doing it.

That’s how it is for me when it comes to pre-pooing my hair.

Yes, there’s been some debate about its usefulness but as for me and my fine hair, it is a routine that will exist in my hair regimen until the day I die.

I never wash my hair without first applying to my hair an oil, conditioner, herbal blend 9

or combination of the three) to protect it from hygral fatigue.

my fine hair routines


Another hair routine that I swear by for my fine natural hair is steaming. It’s definitely something I do more in the winter when my hair needs a bit more moisture but there are other times I will routinely steam my hair throughout the year:

  • When I have excess tangling, steaming helps me to finger detangle with ease
  • Steaming also helps me to reshape my curls between wash days when its feeling a bit dry

Scalp Massages 3x Weekly

Without fail, I massage my scalp a minimum of 3 times a week. Initially I started doing scalp massages as a means to stimulate hair growth. While that remains partly true, I focus more on just the hair related aspect of it. I also focus on the feel good of it.

Massaging your scalp helps stimulate blood flow to that area. For me, I notice this also helps with easing tension headaches.

I like to massage my scalp with an herbal oil blend. I’m currently loving (more than any other), S-Secrets Growth Oil. It’s full of such beneficial ingredients:

Black rice powder, Black cumin seed powder, Brahmi, Amla, Henna, Moringa, MSM, essential oils of rosemary/lavender/tea tree/peppermint, and a blend of natural oils

Deep Conditioning After Every Wash

Deep conditioning your hair helps to keep it nourished and it’s the first step in ensuring healthy moisture levels.

Like the pre-poo, my deep conditioner is a routine that I do without thinking twice.

I like to deep condition with heat because it helps your hair cuticle to swell open and receive whatever treatment is being used. So, I’ll use either my microwaveable heating cap or my pink steam cap. I absolutely love being able to deep condition on the go OR sit and deep condition while chilling with Netflix:

Sealing in Moisture

The last of my fine hair routines that I follow is sealing moisture into my hair on wash day and whenever I moisturize.

There are different methods for sealing moisture but the two I find the most useful are:

  • LOC method (Liquid, Oil, Cream) in the warmer months – applying water followed by a lightweight oil like Jojoba or Argan oil. Then, ending with a cream based product
  • LCO method (Liquid, Cream, Oil) in the cooler months – similar to the above, I switch the order of the cream and oil around. In the cooler months I will even use a butter based product in place of the cream

For healthy hair, you have to find routines that work best for your hair. It may take a bit of trial and error finding them. Just stick with it.

It doesn’t take much to care for your hair once you find your routines.

The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.

John C. Maxwell
fine hair routines

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