Incorporating The Green House Effect “GHE” Into My Hair Regimen
Last updated on November 25th, 2018 at 05:44 pm
Perusing through videos due to a serious bout of boredom a few weeks back, I discovered the Real Queens Regimen YouTube Channel. This was before the boredom that led me to shaving the side of my head lol!
On the channel, a lot was shared about using the Greenhouse Effect (“GHE”) to grow your hair while using natural products. I was intrigued.
UPDATE: The channel is no longer active but one of the creators Mika Lishauna has a channel that appears to have been active a month ago:
I vaguely remember hearing about the GHE in the past but paid little attention to what it was and how to incorporate it into my hair care regimen…until now.
It seems as though my hair was at a stand still or growing very slowly. The bulk of my hair has been around the same length for some time now (I dust my ends only twice in a year) The only consolation is the front of my hair is taking off like a wild banshee!
these were bangs not too long ago
What is the Greenhouse Effect?
The term, Greenhouse Effect is a scientific term that originated in the 1800’s. It is used to describe how gases including water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane, warm the atmosphere.
For the purpose of hair care and promoting hair growth, the principles of the Greenhouse Effect are employed by using a natural oil on your hair (you can also dampen the hair) and covering your hair with a plastic cap, scarf and bonnet/hat.
For the GHE to be effective, there needs to be consistency – rather that be following the regimen nightly or several times a week. Do it based on how much moisture your hair is currently getting IN ADDITION to the extra moisture generated from the “greenhouse” environment. You’ll have to evaluate if this is too much or too little for your hair.
If you do the GHE method and notice that your hair lacks elasticity (it feels kind of mushy), then cut back on how often you do it and do a protein treatment to restore the moisture/protein balance.
How & What I’m Using for the GHE
I’ve been incorporating the Greenhouse Effect into my hair regimen 5 times a week and plan to continue for the remainder of 2013. If I find that my hair is over-moisturized, I’ll cut it back to a few nights per week. So far so good though. My hair is VERY moisturized but not overly so.
I’m also co-washing my hair exclusively with As I Am Coconut Co-wash every three weeks, in addition to doing a protein treatment once per month. I normally get a healthy dose of protein from my beloved Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein Balancing conditioner when I pre-poo so I don’t think I have a need for a heavy duty treatment more than once per month.
Now, onto the products that I am using bring about the Greenhouse Effect:
– Aloe Vera Gel by lily of the desert (I get this from Whole Foods) – to set twists, braids and knots
– Coconut Oil alternating with Jojoba Oil for sealing (Jojoba is closest to the hair’s natural sebum levels and since I omitted scalp massages from my regimen, I think it’s a good idea to keep Jojoba in my regimen. My natural sebum levels aren’t very high….yet). Note: if hair feels oily, I’ll skip right to putting on my plastic cap, scarf and bonnet without applying more oil.
– Mango Butter Mix (I whip this up with Peppermint Essential Oil, Coconut Oil, Jojobo Oil, JBCO and Vitamin E) alternating with one of my choice stylers: Bee Mine Hair Butter or Shea Moisture Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie. I apply one of these to my damp hair in the morning to further seal in moisture that’s been generated throughout the night.
That’s all folks – 3 simple all natural products. I’m keeping it very simple and phasing out all of the other product lines I use. My hair probably doesn’t need them anyway.
Stay tuned for future updates where I will continue sharing my journey using the Greenhouse Effect method as well as the full line of hair products I intend to keep in my regimen. I will be doing length checks and sharing how my hair looks and feels. Stay tuned.
Question! If I wanted to do a twist out (with a little bit of curling creme), I could I still do it with the greenhouse effect? Plus can you do this on freshly co washed hair?
Yes but depending on the looseness of your curls, you may get a more wash and go “look.”
I would only do this on dry hair as the amount of moisture you have in your hair from cowashing could cause your hair to be too moisturized, throwing off the moisture/protein balance. If you use oils on your scalp, the GHE can help stimulate growth.
This is a great article very well written
Thx Danita
Am I missing something or is the GHE just baggying with a fancy name?
It’s similar. From what I know about baggying, you apply a conditioner. Also, people tend to baggy their ends. With the GHE, you use a natural oil only. No water. No conditioner. The # goal is to stimulate your scalp’s sebum. An added bonus is added moisture. With the baggy method, the main goal is to keep your ends moisturized and conditioned.
I’m going to try to do this at least once a week. Just to try it. And I love coconut oil! It does well for my hair.
Hello everyone! I am so happy that I found this site! All of the other sites that I see on this method have not been updated recently. I just started using this method.
I love the greenhouse effect. I’ve used it many times. There were times it made my scalp itch a bit. But it didn’t last for long.
Cant wait for your updates. Your hair is beautiful , btw. Take care.
Thanks a lot! i am actually experiencing the reverse. I was suffering with itchies and now they are gone! Amazing. all I’m using is a little aloe vera gel and some oil on my hair. I don’t put anything on my scalp anymore and no more itching