Here’s a Quick Way to Improve Your Deep Conditioner

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Last updated on July 26th, 2023 at 11:35 pm

hair in need of a wash

Can you believe it? I actually skipped a wash day!

Last week I opted not to wash my hair so that I could get an additional week out of my loose two strand twists. While the two weeks of protective styling was a success, I definitely could not repeat it any time soon.


When you don’t wash your hair for two or more weeks, you’ll need a good deep conditioning to add much needed moisture back to your hair. Coincidentally, the topic of deep conditioning lines right up with this week’s focus for The Wash Day Experience healthy hair link up hosted by Saving Our Strands and Just Grow Already.

March WashDayExperience-DCHacks

This wash day I opted to use the deep conditioner from TRUE by Made Beautiful. While this is a pretty good deep conditioner on its own, I wanted to boost the conditioner’s ability to be even more effective. A quick way to do that is by simply adding a tablespoon of honey to a half cup of conditioner (more or less depending on your hair’s length and density).


How Honey Works to Improve Your Conditioner

It doesn’t matter if your conditioner is already pretty fabulous or if it lacks the slip you desire. You can always improve that deep conditioner’s efficacy. Just add a little honey (preferably organic)

[tweetthis]Honey adds additional support to your conditioner by first increasing its slip factor.[/tweetthis]

Second, honey is a natural humectant. That means that it will pull additional moisture from the product into your hair. This, will in turn increase your hair’s moisture levels – necessary to combat and prevent dry hair.

deep conditioning hack

Deep Conditioning Application Tips

Once you’ve whipped up your deep conditioner with a bit of honey, here are some tips to make your application process much smoother:

  • Section hair into 4-6 sections (depending on amount of hair)
  • Working from the back section to the front, apply the deep conditioner from ends to root and then work back down from roots to ends
  • Smooth the deep conditioner down your hair with your hands in a “swooshing” manner to encourage hair to receive the conditioner deep into the hair strands
  • Throw on a plastic cap and apply heat for a minimum of 15 minutes before rinsing with tepid water
deep conditioned hair

Deep conditioning is a crucial step in every ladies wash day experience. That’s why I was happy to share this simple deep conditioning hack with you. As mentioned at the beginning of the post, I wrote this to be included in the Wash Day Experience Healthy Hair Link Up. Check out some of the other “Deep Conditioning Hacks” in the link up by visiting Saving Our Strands via the link up.

The Wash Day Experience

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  1. I love to add honey and extra virgin olive oil to my conditioner. It makes the hair feel nourished and soft. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Nerline-

      Yes those are great things to add together. Your hair is so healthy and thick too!

    1. isn’t it?? And one time I ran out of honey and used organic blue agave. Amaze-balls lol. its too expensive to use regularly in the hair though.


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